1. Hallowe'en-Harvest Ball

It's time for one of the four annual Profusion parties, taking place on the Promenade Hall board. This is the Autumn Ball, which is harvest, Samhain and Hallowe'en celebration in one. Bring your characters in costume - or if you've got no ideas, pick up a costume from the spare ones at the Hall (see the Costume Rack page).
Links: Hallowe'en-Harvest Ball
Rules/instructions (mainly about costumes)

2. Member news

We have a new member, The Mad Poet, who has elected to be called Poet on the boards. This South Carolinan writer has a fondness for worldbuilding and baby snakes.

Earlier this year Mutt wrote a book-length story for des little brother's 21st birthday. Mutt is slowly but - well, slowly - getting autographed copies sent out to all who contributed, whether with art, support or some last-minute proofreading.

Link: You can download or read "Mews" online at hellhound.net/xxi/mews_webres.pdf (PDF document, ~1.2MB)
This is not a print-quality resolution (printable version is available), and one of the illustrations does not show up at its best here. However, all else should be readable. Feedback is absolutely welcomed. "Mews" is copyright to Herm 'Mutt' Baskerville with all rights reserved at this stage.

3. Storyboard news

Several new storyboards suitable for the spooky season are in the offing.

Random Acts of Vampirism: In this alternative universe storyboard [with name confirmed as "They Never Drink Wine" since this newsletter went out], Profusion's characters have become inexplicably vampiric. Not all of them are particularly pleased about this. Thrill to the immortal grudge-bearing and batty hijinks in their very own genuine gothic castle. (Chain-rattling ghosts extra.)
Link: They Never Drink Wine
Twine: They Never Drink Wine

Horror Hotel: A provisionally-named board, this one a claustrophobic murder mystery. Everyone's characters are fair game for victimhood, and the organiser, Anke, will pick one member from a hat to be the murderer. Sign up with a few cannon fod-- I'm sorry, a few characters and let the slaughte-- I beg your pardon, let the laughter begin.
Link: Horror Hotel discussion topic

Story to be announced: This one will be of interest to mythology and comic book nuts. Mutt is on the lookout for one or two people to plan this board with prior to opening it. Let me know if you have an interest in doing some groundwork on the setting and 'rules' of the world.

4. Random Twine pages

Doria Black is an 'Eternal' of Candy's Cruxworld setting. Don't call her a vampire. Nope.
Doria Black
Also see: Eternals

The concept of 'taint' is crucial to the vampire hunter cult written by Ree. The huntresses believe that all living creatures are born free of taint and that taint grows with each wrongdoing. And, by the way, it's all the menfolk's fault.
Also see: Vampire hunter (Ree)

To get the "Random page" option on Twine, go to Preferences and tick the appropriate box. I warn you, though: it's hellishly addictive...
