Autumn Party 14

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-11-28 16:05

They legged it. Serpentine didn't need any prodding, but kept repeating "better part of valour" under his breath as they slipped out. Sebastian on the other hand made a mental note to come back with meat later.

"That," said Serpentine, "was not funny."

"I told you," Sebastian said and said thank you for both of them. Serpentine wouldn't do it, anyway.

"Come on," he said to the winged one and made his way down the stairs. "More wine."

"Oh, damn. Sure."

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-11-28 16:19

As the gate clanked shut again, Lucky turned around and made a disconcerted noise.

The collected crew started making their way through the narrow passage to the lab, eventually headed for the hall, too, chattering excitedly.

Sylvie had not taken long - the smallstuff apart from the pitcher plants she just had to drop - and when reaching the main hall made a beeline for the table to get a glass of water.

"I gather she's to be released into the greenhouse for less cramped space very soon, so you might want to not check that out," Nico put in helpfully, and then went on in reply to Lamia/Laima, "Well, some years ago I came across a ghost train that was run by a troupe of ghouls as a sort of trap for their, ah, food. So you might see how things like invitations are not enough to make me entirely certain."

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-11-28 16:27

Thiggie paled and moved a few steps away from the greenhouse door.

"Brutal," Laima said. "I appreciate thoughtfulness in bogeymen of all descriptions."

Upstairs: "Defeated! Victory is mi- ours! In your face!" Basaltine announced. Only now did he begin taking steps back towards the door. Basaltine was a very clever and brave doggie indeed.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-11-28 17:38

Serpentine and Sebastian showed up in due time, still bickering about whose fault it was. Sebastian didn't know what "it" was, but Serpentine seemed to have the very firm opinion that it was Sebastian's fault anyway.

"I think that's enough," said the false monk. "Go get some wine."


Sebastian shook his head as he watched Serpentine head for the wine again, much like a shark follows a trail of blood. As for himself, the criminal put on his best smile and went to eavesdrop on Nico.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-11-29 06:24

Unfortunately for him, Nico fell silent. She didn't want to ruin anyone's day, in case they did not think she was joking, and she did not particularly enjoy considering the details.

She counted the glasses on the tray, paused a moment, emptied a half-full small bowl of candied ginger onto a tray that had held way more chocolates when the evening had started, and filled the bowl with wine, too.

As the crew and Basaltine came down the stairs ("Igor" catching up, having waited until Sebastian and Serpentine were out of reach before giving Lucky the run of the greenhosue), everyone seemed to be present. Nico picked up the tray, straightened up herself, and cleared her throat loudly, adjusting her voice to a formal register and (hopefully) drawing attention.

"Gentlemen and ladies, would you be kind enough to join me for a toast?" with only slight difficulty she passed out glasses of wine to anyone who didn't have any. And a bowl for the dog. Hopefully he didn't mind wine.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-11-29 16:50

Laima had considered the wine on the table, then decided against and chosen grape juice. It might have been just as well that Nico didn't pry too closely into how many of the snake's stated opinions were put on with her costume. In any case, Laima stood and looked attentive.

The headless (and three-legged) dragon slurped Nico's hand when it approached.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-11-29 21:23

"Of course," said Sebastian, smiling broadly despite the rather unnatural silence (or so he thought) Nico had exuded.

Serpentine didn't even bother. He just drank.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-11-30 05:00

The not entirely empty tray deposited on the stairs out of the way, Nico lifted her glass and said, "I can't presume to speak for everyone, but for my part," here she raised glass a voice, "here's to being had with style."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2007-11-30 12:07

"To being had with style," repeated the person who had been an angel and a monk and was back to being a famous criminal, him too with a raised voice and glass.

"Hip hip," muttered Serpentine and -- unsurprisingly -- drank.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-11-30 12:31

"Yeah, that!" said the dog, raising a forefoot.

"Chin-chin," Laima said, lifting her glass and then sipping with decorum.

Thiggie smirked a little and said "Yes. Cheers." A hint of a bray crept into her voice. She couldn't stop herself.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-11-30 19:12

Daaren took a sip for the sake of protocol. While little red nearly emptied the glass in one go, eying Serpentine a bit nervously, Sylvie and Grey went at it more slowly.

The essential crew took the toast as the praise Nico had meant it to be.

The party dissolved into chatter afterwards.

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