Promenade Hall

  Thread Posts Last Post
The Gardens
Duck behind a hedge or explore the ornamental flowerbeds and herb gardens.
241 February 17 - 11:30
By Anke
Spring Ball
(closed until spring) You don't have to celebrate any spring festival in particular to attend the Pro masquerade ball. You just need a mask and Spring-ish attire.
72 May 31 - 16:27
By Mutt
Summer Party
The Summer party takes place outside in the gardens, though the terrace doors of the Hall remain open for guests to wander in and out. Arrive early if you want to set up an outdoor game or activity.
44 September 07 - 17:14
By Anke
Harvest-Hallowe'en Ball
(closed until autumn) The Pro Autumn/Samhain/Harvest/Hallowe'en celebration is a costume party. Dress your characters up as anybody or anything and enjoy the candy!
707 December 01 - 21:13
By Wyldsong
Yule-Christmas-Winter Party
(closed until winter) At the Pro Solstice/Yule/Winterfest/Christmas party, each guest brings a present for everyone else. Think outside the box!
234 February 19 - 12:58
By Baskerville
Occasional Table
Out-of-character discussion.
158 December 23 - 18:24
By Anke
Archived silliness 142 September 02 - 13:35
Menagerie Hubbub 12 December 22 - 16:17
By Anke

The Promenade Hall has all the amenities for hosting parties and special events. Alternatively, the hall's ornamental gardens provide a quiet and private meeting place.

To throw a party, just create a New Conversation using the button.

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