Quotes of Previous Days (4)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-04-01 14:58


Sometimes my answer to the question "What do you do for fun?" is answered in the past tense or future tense. I need to find ways to make that answerable in the present tense more.
--"Animist" Bob

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-06-29 07:39


I am one howl in a seranade.
I am one note in a summer song,
And one face of which the pack is made.

Gray brothers are my only strength, unafraid.
Gray sisters are my joy, bright and long.
I am one howl in a serenade.

I am one shape of the soul's cascade,
One body lost in the loving throng,
And one face of which the pack is made.

My magic's a descant overlaid
On our melody of evensong:
I am one howl in a serenade.

I am one leap in the hidden glade,
One resplendent spell spun out lifelong,
And one face of which the pack is made.

With solidarity I have paid
The circle to which all wolves belong.
I am one howl in a serenade,
And one face of which the pack is made.

--Elizabeth Barrette

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-11-24 11:39


X. To Sleep

I will find out a place for thee, O Sleep-
A hidden wood among the hill-tops green,
Full of soft streams and little winds that creep
  The murmuring boughs between.

A hollow cup above the ocean placed
Where nothing rough, nor loud, nor harsh shall be,
But woodland light and shadow interlaced
  And summer sky and sea.

There in the fragrant twilight I will raise
A secret altar of the rich sea sod,
Whereat to offer sacrifice and praise
  Unto my lonely god:

Due sacrifice of his own drowsy flowers,
The deadening poppies in an ocean shell
Round which through all forgotten days and hours
  The great seas wove their spell.

So may he send me dreams of dear delight
And draughts of cool oblivion, quenching pain,
And sweet, half-wakeful moments in the night
  To hear the falling rain.

And when he meets me at the dusk of day
To call me home for ever, this I ask-
That he may lead me friendly on that way
  And wear no frightful mask.

from "Spirits in Bondage" by a young C.S. Lewis (writing as Clive Stapleton)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-11-28 10:40


"Child, to say the very thing you really mean, the whole of it, nothing more or less or other than what you really mean; that's the whole art and joy of words."
C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces

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SkyriderTwine: Skyrider 2006-09-25 19:09

The skill of an Author is not thinking up ideas its getting them down on paper!

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2006-10-04 08:12


Life is too precious to leave it to fate.

Deus X. Machina

(The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear, Walter Moers)

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2006-11-12 12:41

Selected chatbits:

Snog: A lobotmy! My kingdom for a lobotomy!
Anke: what kingdom?
Snog: Well... er... umm...
Snog: I'll get back to you after I conquer Sweden, okay?

Snog: Sleep is good. I am weak. Sleep is for the weak.

Snog: Take him off the keyboard and type the post. :p
Anke: or let him type the post :D
Snog: Ew.
Dev: Weft's post?
Mutt: Piper can't type! Don't be silly!
Dev: It'd take the whole "Weft is a kitty" thing to a new level.
Anke: XD
Mutt: hEE TAIPS liek this ande allhis psot ar about CATT BISKICKS
Snog: ...
Mutt: Nooo. See.
Snog: ...!!!
Anke: Weft would kill us all dead XD
Mutt: Weft types like this: "ASEFAESLDKJF DIE!"

Anke: And what is "not a kitty" in Finnish?
Dev: Ei ole kisu!

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2006-11-22 18:24


“You better not snore,” she grumbled into the dark.

“I don’t snore.”


“I gibber in demonic tongues.”

“You’re kidding.”



By Ursula Vernon.
Found here (Earlier parts of the story: part 1, part 2)

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-03-06 21:00

Snog: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Maltese_Show_Dog_Image_001.jpg Hua hua!
Mutt: Oh hell yes son.
Anke: a mop...
Anke: ...
Anke: any relation with you know whom?
Snog: ...
Snog: No.
Anke: canid, haircolour...
Snog: x(
Snog: Nooo!
Mutt: Kept on a short leash by a mysterious faceless woman in the sky?
* Anke applauds XD
Mutt: I think we're onto something here.
Anke: Like digging our own graves?
Snog: Oh man.
Snog: I laughed. So hard.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-03-06 22:17

(postscript to previous post)


(10:34:32 PM) Mutt: I just want you to know...
(10:34:38 PM) Snog: Si?
(10:34:42 PM) Mutt: Slen came in, saw what I was doing in MS paint and said
(10:34:53 PM) Mutt: "That's a chibi The Hat, isn't it?"
(10:34:57 PM) Snog: O_____________o
(10:35:00 PM) Snog: Omgwtf!
(10:35:17 PM) ***Anke cracks up laughing.
(10:35:20 PM) Snog: XD
(10:37:06 PM) Mutt: Which is worrying because, well...
(10:37:24 PM) Mutt: It looks NOTHING LIKE HIM.
(10:37:31 PM) Snog: k!
(10:37:34 PM) Mutt: And he doesn't even know what we'd been discussing.

MS Paint doodle!

(Psychic injoke-getting siblings are teh luv.)

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