1. Member news

The last couple of months have seen Mutt frantic with a hush-hush non-Pro project, to which we can partly attribute the lack of enticing newsy snippets. (Also forgetfulness.)

Sarina's daughter, a.k.a. the Cabbage Princess, has brought home straight As on her report card.
Link: Sarina's Xanga page

Anke has an oak sapling!
Link: Anke's LiveJournal

Candy has some work experience in a library. Librarians in general are adorable, thus this is a Very Good Thing.
Link: Candy's LiveJournal

We have a new member since I last managed a newsletter. Some of us know Veltzeh from Elfwood, Livejournal or other interweb exploits of eirs. Otherwise, ey has filled in a Twine profile with plenty of links to more information, visual pretties and, er, eraser erotica. (Mutt is, of course, delighted to associate with someone else who prefers the ol' gender-neutral pronouns. Whee!)
Links: Veltzeh's Twine profile
Veltzeh's website
Some artwork by Veltzeh because I felt like it

And earlier this year, Anke converted the art gallery on her website into a new format. It's well worth a look.
Link: Anke's website

2. Site news

There have been a few unoriginal spam attacks against both the messageboards and the Twine Encyclopaedia, but with any luck those will be permanently reduced soon.

I have been adding and tweaking features on the messageboards. Most noticeable is the little icon that appears by member names above a post, linking to their Twine profile. This now works in Character Chat too.

After yet more problems with the wiki, including the aforementioned spam attacks, I hope I've finally solved some issues. The wiki's Preferences and Login pages are now slightly rejigged. Signing in should now be easier. As a reminder, the password you need to edit the wiki is 'lurcher', all lower-case, without the quotes.
Link: Twine Encyclopaedia

3. Random Twine page

Ooooh dear.


To get a "Random page" link on Twine, go to Preferences and tick the appropriate box. I warn you, though - it's hellishly addictive...
