1. Member news

Erin rejoined us very recently. Erin is a strange Australian puppy creature with a thing for angels and absinthe (so watch out, Artemisia). Erin is not in denial about several things, including being an m-preg baby (injoke alert!).

Link: http://twine.hellhound.net/Erin

And we have a new member - Jess, the amazing hippie kitty creature and Erin's other half. Her LJ profile says she likes ninjas, honesty and Dr Seuss.

Link: http://twine.hellhound.net/Jess

2. Storyboard news

Thought Matters is a dark, psychological storyboard. It's set in a world where dreams can come alive - but so can fears, insecurities and old memories. Some of the characters stepping up to have their brains wrung are (in alphabetical order!) Lance, Weft and Zade.

Link: Thought Matters

3. Random Twine page

Crüxworld angels

Candy's Crüxworld doesn't have "angels" in the normal sense. Crüxworldian angels are more like... remnants. Things left behind. Memories...

Other angels are here.
