Erin rejoined us very recently. Erin is a strange Australian puppy creature with a thing for angels and absinthe (so watch out, Artemisia). Erin is not in denial about several things, including being an m-preg baby (injoke alert!).
And we have a new member - Jess, the amazing hippie kitty creature and Erin's other half. Her LJ profile says she likes ninjas, honesty and Dr Seuss.
Thought Matters is a dark, psychological storyboard. It's set in a world where dreams can come alive - but so can fears, insecurities and old memories. Some of the characters stepping up to have their brains wrung are (in alphabetical order!) Lance, Weft and Zade.
Link: Thought Matters
Candy's Crüxworld doesn't have "angels" in the normal sense. Crüxworldian angels are more like... remnants. Things left behind. Memories...
Other angels are here.