What exactly is fairy dust, and what does it do?
in correlation: What are fairies like?
Sebastian: It's the pollen they usually leave trailing after them when they fly around... at least I think it's pollen, because I've seen some very disturbing lilies and lilacs after some fairies moved in.
Oh, and they're irritating little scoundrels. They would be cute if they didn't sound so nasal.
Sevroa: There's no such thing as fairy dust.
And mind you, they are c-- ehmmhmhhmhmh...
Varus: Good heavens! The look on his face! Bwaahahaahaha!
I think it must mean something different in your neck of the woods. Where I come from it's a recreational drug.
Fairies are insectile animals - green in colour, wingspan about ten centimetres, weighing about twenty grams - whose bodies bear some resemblance to our native sapient races and who were consequently believed for quite some time to be intelligent and rational.
Varus: From the sound of it, in your neck of the woods they are also not territorial, bloodthirsty and highly skilled in hitting where it hurts the most.
Hence Sevroa taking a liking to them, really. [Smiles]
Sevroa: They also taught me to dance.
Varus: O,o
Sevroa: ...what.
Varus: You always had that gay quality in your seasonal dances.
Sevroa: [Confused expression]
Ours dance and sting. Only, I don't think the dance would be much use unless you wanted to tell someone else where the good nectar is.
And that is why Varus likes Sevroa?
For being such a merry person?
Oh no. I like him because I knew his father and mother: he tolerates me for the same reason. Yet Sevroa is hardly what one might call happy or content. Therein lies his capacity to amuse.
Yeah, anyone who can rant in an unprintable way for five lines is adorable ^_^
Anyway, fairy dust, lessee...
One kind I know about was made from ground up fairy wings. It was used as an iridescent pigment with some additional properties. Those fairies were humanoids, about the size of a human finger, and shed their wings regularly, like birds moult.
Another was not one kind... those fairies made all sorts of magic powders, so if you had something and only knew it was "fairy dust" it could be anything. I remember one 'genius' who thought it'd be a good idea to pour all he'd stolen together and see what it did. The result wasn't pretty, but he had it coming.
[Stares at Nico for a while]
How would you feel about a few drinks and some tales about the old man's dirty past?
[grins] I'd offer to pay the drinks.
I've been in a place where it makes you fly... very gently. Not like wings. [looks confusedly at her own]
Out of interest, what's so "[boggle]" about that?
I just imagined a heist with floating dust.
Hey, like Mission Impossible without the strings!
...it suddenly stopping to work when you're in midair, and 'amusing' stuff like that...
[at Anke, ignoring the hound] Exactly...
I don't think you'd fall down. One would have to try rather persistently in order to injure oneself in dream. Things go soft. I think. I can't remember very clearly.
What does a rant in an unprintable way mean?
[gives a steady stare - THEN gives a long, colourful example in at least three different languages about the uselessness of a certain group of "nobles"]
[parrots a few choice phrases back without much understanding]
[applauds] XD
[lifts wine glass] Sebastian, why are you a [bleeeeep] cow?! [drinks]
Did you know his father and mother too? Were they [bleeeeep] cows?
[ear twitches]
What is a [bleeeeep] cow?
[Dies laughing, figuratively speaking]
[waves a white flag, still laughing]
...Siri... help?
Oh, for... You're just as bad as that skinny werewolf. Whine for some skirt to help you out as soon as you smell trouble.
[Anke meanwhile wonders what in the world happened to this thread...]
You know, you're right.
[Boots everyone out of the thread]
[leads dragon gently away from corrupting influences who ought to be ashamed of themselves]
[slinks back]
Er, Sebastian? Just one thing...
The laughing... I just couldn't help it. Had nothing to do with you, really. I'm sorry :(