[shrugs, nods, and smiles]
Would be nice if you could take care of that soon, then; I don't like it drooling all over the place.
[puts the apple on a tray and wipes down the counter]
Please feel free to invoke her.
[The sleep-deprived conjurer isn't sure what the etiquette is for summonsing teleporters into someone else's establishment. Looks as though he will have to come up with something before too long, however.]
Ishtar: I do love strong silent types. They're what's for dinner.
Weft: You're weird. Just... remember who here is off limits.
Ishtar: Now you mention it, I've never been told you're off limits.
Weft: What? [edges even further away from her] It must have slipped His mind. N-no, I'm definitely verboten.
Ishtar: I read through that stack of fanfics the Big Sibling viewers sent in - the handwritten ones, anyway - and y...
Weft: Never, ever, speak, ever, of those. Ever.
Ishtar: You're more popular than me, was all I was going to say. It's adorable.
Weft: I don't see what's so attractive about someone who's unavailable, unacquisitive, dishonourable, boring and obsessed with his work.
Suitov: Don't you?
[Sylvie looks at Daaren, who appears to be going through game moves and strategies, then walks to the counter, sits down and has a close look at the apple.]
Sidney: I'm not sure how; I thought you had some sort of link. Do you have a phone number or something?
Just talking loudly seems to work here, judging by my gift horse appearing the moment he was mentioned.
No, I don't have any other way to contact Perry. I don't know her all that well - or contiguously. She shows up, if you'll pardon the pun, from time to time.
Sidney [looks at Suitov for a moment, then clears his throat and says in an outdoors-voice]: Does Perry Wryflight happen to have some time?
Apple [yawns ans smacks lips]
Sylvie [leans back, away from the apple] O_O
[There is a sound like magpie-chattering and wingbeat clattering. A female human appears, showing up as iridescent blue-green for a fraction of a second before regaining normal colour. She's dressed in some black and white, irregularly patched tunic and leggings, bare-armed, and holding what looks like a stalk of Brussels sprouts.]
Time is something I've got in spades. Oh, hi Sylv, Iceyheart.
[Iceheart waves, unperturbed.]
[Perry eyes Sidney and the fruit...] What's up?
[Sylvie stares at the apple, which tries to roll over, but fetches up against the rim of the tray and makes a confused noise.]
Sidney: [smiles and points at the apple] It followed Nico home. Nico thought Suitov would be interested. Suitov isn't, but said you might know or find a place for it. If you don't want to, that's no problem...
Perry: [notices mage properly] Jee-zus, Suitov, what've they done to you? You look like death warmed up.
Suitov: Thank you kindly, although I think it was the few days without sleep what done it. That and being marionetted by a succubus on a mission.
Perry: Oh. Thought you loved that kind of thing. Schemes, I mean, not succubi...
Ishtar: He does, as long as politicians aren't involved.
Weft: Sssh you lot, that's OOC knowledge.
Suitov: Mm...? Oh. Yes. This non-vegetative fruit of Nico's...
Perry: I know a crocodilly who'd snap it up, or are we being humane?
Depends on how you define "humane", but before feeding it to some beasty - or did I mishear something there? - I'd just set it out of the door.
Perry: Oh right, and let it follow you home or piddle on your dustbins?
Suitov: Are you telling us you don't know of any sanctuary worlds for homeless fruits, Perry?
...I'm going to have to disengage shortly. I think I'm hallucinating, unless one of you just said something in Finnish about ducks being sometimes naughty.
Perry: Noooo... Seriyusly, mate, I dread to imagine what it's like in your brain.
Suitov: ...think it's stack overflow from Mutt's brain, not my own. Or so I hope.
Perry: Is de panicking about that project?
Suitov: I think that's exactly what she's doing.
Perry: Tell den to write a story starring me instead!
Suitov: W't makes you think she listens to me? Er, anyway, that... fruit. What were you saying about it?
Perry: Mate. Go home. I'll handle it.