I didn't write/plan out all this in advance, fyi. *blinks* Well, should be obvious. And naturally I'm sorry all sorts of random things have kept delaying the flippin' story I want to tell until nobody actually wants to hear it any more...
Oh! On that note, [Mutt executes sadistic, vicious and vile revenge on a plushie that is disturbingly well-made to look like a set of vertebrae]
[drops 10 euro in the donation box, grabs the Sebastian doll and walks off with it, grinning.]
I got owned?
She's a bit late there; I don't think anyone halfway sane would try taking you away from your Lady Fortuna.
Begging your pardon. [bows]
Any halfway sane non-divinity.
Don't look at me either.
[stabs Sean Maher in effigy for being born on the same day I was going to make Suitov's birthday, aargh WTH dude!]
[*giggles* Sorry, Sesh, but that is pretty funny. Tolja there was a resemblance but I didn't realise it went that far!]
I fell about laughing! But Maher still deserves stabbing.
He doesn't look all that much like Swiff, to be honest. He does have that vibe in Firefly, but it's the character, not the actor. He could do the voice, but probably not the accent (Maher's American and Suitov emphatically isn't). But the clincher, unfortunately, is that Tobey-Maguirish stupid stunned herring expression (h8!).
Suitov's always looked like an idealised version of me. He has a somewhat taller, thinner, more masculinised face than mine, his hair's darker, the eyes are more or less the same, the nose is the same if longer.
Honestly, though. I checked out 16/4 purely for the amusement factor and yes, nothing major happened, no huge wars or killings or interesting saints' days, and then Wikipedia goes "Hey, guess who was also born on this day!" and I go "Hey, I recognise that nameAAAAUAAAGH!"
Maybe I'll say what the hell and put him on the 16th of Fritillaire anyway. 'Cause after all, with Terrimoire's 'months' originally based on the flowering of their native plants, I never decided they'd have twelve of the things anyway.
(My birthday is in Dogwood. Ha!)
*Nico dresses Weft doll up in a Captain Jack Sparrow costume*
[Mutt runs screaming from possible spoilers.]
Weft doll: [is now a fashion Charybdis. A fashion Bermuda Triangle. A clothing-related calamity on the scale of Mount St Helens. It isn't throwing a hissy fit, really, honestly]
Nico: The only part of the trilogy we've seen is the first one, so probably no risk of spoilers...
[Weft dresses the Nico doll in a costume1 from Moulin Rouge. We suspect he's been up all night making it.]
1 (left, green, with arm in air)
Sebs: Hmm. Strong legs on that one.
Helmine: I thought the white one on the far right was more her size.
Weft: What, Glinda over there? Far too easy. No subtlety. No soul.
But if you want, I'll scratch a full-size one together for you.
Have to do something with the bodicepiece of course... I wonder if Fitaupet up on Wideway still stocks...
Helmine: ... [Looks at Sebbie]
Sebs: ?
Helmine: [whispering to S's ear] Is he into boys?
Basaltine [who has very sharp ears]: sniggersniggersnigger
Mutt: [bites tongue mirthfully]
Nico: Do you sew lacy underwear often?