That voodoo that you do 4

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2007-02-02 21:23

Mond oth. *wardrobe turns dark blue instead*

(Weft: At least it wasn't... grass green. *snigger*)

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-02 21:40

* Suitovs clothes slowly shrink *

Sebbie? You led me on, didn't you?

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2007-02-02 21:44

Would I do such a thing?

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-02-02 21:44


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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2007-02-02 21:47

*sigh* Right, that tears it. *bamfs out to work on reversing the effect before anything actually does tear*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-02 21:55

Yes. Who wouldn't? *grins*

* looks at where Suitov was, shakes her head, and wonders if he knows what exactly brought that on *

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-02-02 22:34

So how did you do that? *looks between Nico and Sebs with a little awe*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-02 22:48

* shrugs slowly, presenting empty hands to Weft *

I didn't do a thing.

Apart from commenting.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-02-02 23:12

Seriously though... *still apparently taking it on trust that it was one or both of them (and he probably wants in on the joke next time)*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-03 08:34

Seriously, though, I don't even know how that stuff was done, excepting the "mailing via Postal Karma Agencies" bit.

Apart from that I would have spread out tricks better instead of dumping them all one after the other. It's much more fun watching someone slowly grow twitchy and paranoid.

Mind, Swiff seems more likely to start looking forward to new surprises.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-02-03 10:27

From what I know about him, he might treat it as an excitingly fun war of practical jokes. He likes all this conspiracy stuff, I don't know. And he keeps saying some folks just have odd ways of trying to show affection and you shouldn't give up on them.

Personally, I think he's stupid, boring and not good-looking and I don't know why anyone would bother. If you're going to do a job, might as well make it lethal...

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SwiffyTwine: Swiffy 2007-02-03 15:16

All righty then, I'm back. *claps hands and rubs them together* Who's missed me?

*has changed clothing, apparently*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-03 15:31

* inconspicuously points at Weft *

Do you know what that was about?

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-02-03 15:32

Honestly, haven't you died yet?

What happened anyway? Are you hurt?

Swiff: Of course not.

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SwiffTwine: Swiff 2007-02-03 15:35

And no, Nico, I haven't a clue. *glance at her*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-03 15:48


* pouts. Wants to know *

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SwiffTwine: Swiff 2007-02-03 15:52

Oh, who cares? Whatever their issue, they don't even want to say it to my face, so stuff 'em. :D

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-02-03 16:22


Well, it's you clothes and stuff.

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SwiffTwine: Swiff 2007-02-03 16:31

They have obviously run out of stupid pranks to play. I declare, one canNOT get the adversaries these days.

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Weft, Swiffy 2007-02-03 16:54

Weft: Are you absolutely crazy?

Swiff: Nah. And let's face it, they weren't all that competent anyway. Probably some fae with his grandmother's spellbook.

Weft: What in grace's name are you...

Swiff: *very quietly* Remember that little thing we did that time in Casmut?

Weft: ... *eyes go huge*

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