*adopts the I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about? look and smiles*
Ah. An invisible giant gerbil. Nasty beasts, that.
*nods to self*
Well, family. Since Daaren is a bit shy, I'll tell you. Most of his extended family is dead. His, er, wife and two daughters were, last time he saw them, alive.
Hm, it's not that there is no extended family left...
Through Aahhan's eldest daughter I'm kin of the Fenraalui family, which is rather big.
I also have some relatives through Rralken, scatterd over Fenmairna and Hheltirn.
There was never much contact with Caarji's Sian's family, but I know of about ten of her grandchildren that survived.
Nico: Caarji was your grandmother's sister, right? And Sian her daughter?
Daaren: My maternal grandmother's elder half sister through their mother. Sian's her fourth daughter. Rralken I told you about, too, with the squirrel?
Nico: I remember the story. Wasn't he a cousin of your grandfather or something?
Daaren: My father's father's mother's first cousin once removed, so our actual connection was his grandmother, Nirki. I just mentioned Rralken instead because I thought you might remember the name.
Nico: okaaaaay... I think we nearly got it. Who's Aachan?
Daaren: My father's mother's mother's father's mother's father's father.
Nico: ... You kidding? o_O
Daaren: You said "extended family".
Nico: Your folks might extend your family further than... some others.
Daaren: *shrug*
Anke: I'm in desperate need of some family tree software...
*cracks up*
(I consider I'm doing well if I remember the names of all four of my cousins.)
Snog: O_o
Serpentine: I miss large families.
Sebastian: Wow.
Helmine: *snorts* Good memory.
Sebastian: Is there anything that ISN'T worth mocking, Hellbeast?
Helmine: *makes a mock shooting gesture and smiles*
Snog: Ay caramba...
*blinks slowly* If you can't remember your family, you just have your priorities wrong.
Unless there are special circumstances...
(Anke: My four cousins are Thomas, Jörg, Achim and Carolin. They are married to Monika, Sandra, Christiane and Daniel. Their children are Christian and Matthias; twins Marie and Janni[s|k]; Laura (Christiane's daughter out of her first marriage), Jannika and Emely; and not born yet, I think...)
Helmine: A genealogist I am not: you can ask my beloved father why.
Sebastian: And to think I expect a bit more from a person brought up by a pacifist.
Helmine: As far as insults go, that was much too detached from the topic to be any good.
Sebastian: *glower*
Helmine: And in any case, do you seriously think I would model myself after a woman who simply shrugged and found another man after the... first disappeared?
Sebastian: I call that rather sensible, actually. Why do you think I was attracted to her?
Helmine: I always thought it had something to do with her figure.
Sebastian: Too bad you inherited my figure.
Helmine: !!!
Nico: It'd be fun, if it wasn't so sad.
Daaren: It's a shame.
Nico: Chalk one up for the elder fox, anyway. *grins*
Incidentally, did you pause before "first" because he wasn't, or because you needed a bit to decide not to call him names righ then?
You have an irritatingly direct approach to the amusements of this dreary life, Nico. I doubt he's the first of her... 'lovers', but certainly the first she had a child with.
Whee! ^_^
Do you need help choking on that?
*laughs and hugs Helmine*
I wouldn't forgive this if you weren't so damned small.
Size doesn't matter. It's the area of contact and the force behind it that counts. And whether it's barbed.
Well, I'm not barbed. I'm just wired. :D