So, how are your families doing?
Probably hale, hearty, wonderfully accomplished, perfect in every way, spoiled and adored by their elders...
Fine, I assume. I don't really think about my family.
My parents and grandparents were all well, last I heard of them. No-one died over the dry season.
I think my brother's still pushing up daisies and my sisters are raising their young.
My stepbrothers are probably still trying to learn to read... this would probably not be so bad if they were not twenty years old by now.
Well, at least they are trying, unlike a certain someone I know who refuses to "bother".
My author sucks in certain fields, therefore I don't have a family.
Oh that's right, I forgot.
My father's still a toad-spotted pigeon-egg.
Ladies, gentlemen. I think I won't have to say anything at all...
But at least a toad-spotted pigeon-egg that can read! ^_^
I bet it's all a series of lucky guesses. *piercing stare at Sebastian*
May I ask why you are so hostile?
Oh my. Did someone just get... defensive?
No, just curious.
*narrow, don't-make-me-get-modly look*
My surviving relatives are fine. Aunts, uncles and so on, along with a lot of distant cousins I haven't really met.
As far as extended family goes, we can blame my author for the sketchiness there. Since my earlier character incarnations (in which I recall having some kind of rodent called Tishtrya), I haven't been written anywhere much.
So technically, everyone is a potential extended-family member. *happy grin* Except actual mass murderers and things.
*Simply ignores Siri* If you must know... hah, actually, maybe you will. One day. Maybe.
"everyone is a potential extended-family member"... hah!
My mother joined an order a short time after I went to school, and it did her good. She was fine last time I saw her. She has a sister I've met occasionally; I remember my two cousins better.
My father... [artificially chipper tone] I found out who he is when I was seventeen, that was the only time I saw him, and he can go to hell for all I care.
Oh, and in that general context I found out I have something like forty half-siblings spread across the world. I might have met a few of them without realising. And by now there are probably some more.
*Gets that confused O.o look*
...that had to hurt... *grins*
Now there's an argument for genetically testing all potential partners.
Nico: Er, well, at least he made an effort to find you? No saving grace?
Sylvie: No. There can be no saving grace at all for someone who barges into my life and thinks he can order me around and turn me into some kind of bargaining chip for his politics.
Nico: Good point.
Sebastian? What fell on your head this time?