Oh shut up. That's not funny. (When will I learn not to ask these obvious questions...)
It's surrealist humour. You get a lot of it in Mutt's native traditions. Quite similar to the Applestone sense of humour too. (Now why could that be...)
You know that is not what I meant, stupid horrible mage. *sticks some more pins through Suitov's doll*
*Picks up Weft doll, sets it on a rock.
Shoots it. Repeatedly.
Puts some ammo into the donation box and walks off.*
Out of curiosity, and not that I don't enjoy displays of sharpshooting, what's he done to you?
My money's on jealousy.
*Quietly and carefully tears the limbs off a Sebastian doll.*
And what are you jealous of?
Perhaps he just wants the pair of them to match. How charitable! How cute!
...I always feel like I should be healing these things...
...he burned my puppet.
Good point.
Siri, you mean healing the dolls, yes? Not healing people of cuteness and charitability...
*nods* Quite ridiculous, because they're only dolls, it would encourage more pointless destruction... and besides, this is a Prometheus deal anyway, right?
That and I know for certain that I'm not the best needleworker around. Sutures, though, those I can do.
Oh, Prometheus deal for the dolls. Sisyphus deal for you.
*snigger* Augean stabels more like, modding this place
Hm, but that work was finished at some point...
* The Suitov doll spontaneously crumbles to dust. Nico watches it. *
Now, that was weird.
*regards dust with some surprise*
*shrugs and goes back to practising creating puffs of illusory apple-smelling petals from his fingertips for the sheer hell of it*
*Humanoid in light blue uniform pops into existence. He's carrying a punnet*
Hello, anyone here name of Suit-ove?
There may be. Who wanted him?
Oh, fine. Yes, that'd be me.
Baskerville: Does it explode? Huh? Does it? Does it?