That voodoo that you do 1

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The Board Spirit 2006-11-24 20:47

Here is a shop display full of little dolls many of which seem familiar. There are a collecting box as well as a sign attached.

Voodoo Dolls of Profusion Characters and Authors
non-working; stress relief only
Use free, but donations are appreciated
Refilled once a day

Destroyed dolls:
Sebastian |
Serpentine |
Weft |
Suitov |

Anke |
Mutt ||

Donations towards maintenance:
1/2 knife, 1 nail, 11 pins, pawful of bullets

Donations for Sebastian's Goddesses (each)
1/4 knife

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-24 20:56

*clears throat*

If you're going to use my face on a doll, I'm going to have to ask that half of the donations my dolls gather are shared between my two patrons.

Maybe that will keep them happy.

(I don't suppose there's one of Lady Luck here...)

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The Board Spirit 2006-11-24 21:04

*a note addressed to Sebastian Fochs pops into existence*

"Despite the fact that the faces consist only of beady eyes, your request will be fulfilled, if there will be any donations that appear to be linked to you.

Lady Luck is not available, but can be added if you provide a physical description."

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XanTwine: Xan 2006-11-25 18:27

*Stalks to the display and picks out the Weft doll, puts it against the board, produces a knife and stabs the doll repeatedly, until it is in shreds. Grins.

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XanTwine: Xan 2006-11-25 21:17

*Cuts the Sebastian doll in 6 pieces. Picks up the Anke Doll. Considerd for a moment, and stabs it, pinning it to the display. Snorts and leaves.

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-11-25 21:26

So do we need to share those cuts evenly between Their Goddessnesses?

*Has been watching with some amusement*

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-25 21:35

If you like.

*considers for a while.

Sets Serpentine doll on fire and walks away, whistling*

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LaffentTwine: Laffent 2006-11-26 11:13

*Marches over, selects a doll that looks somewhat like a human, somewhat like a big grey dog, and stabs it with a longsword.*

That's for what you're planning to do to me in Thought Matters, you bastard.

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IshtarTwine: Ishtar 2006-11-26 11:15

*Someone has arranged a bunch of regenerated dolls so they're hugging each other. One of them has had kitty-ears applied to it.*

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NicoTwine: Nico 2006-11-26 11:25

*Nico looks at the kitty ears, grinning thoughtfully. Then she produces a scrap of cloth and an orange marker and fiddles with them a bit. Then she pins the resulting fox tail on the floppy-hatted moderator's likenesse's rear.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2006-11-27 11:07

That Shii doll hugging the Sebbie one? Cutest thing ever.

*nails the chickogryph doll up by its feet*

*double-takes at the kitty ears, snarls and removes them*

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-12-09 11:55

*sticks a bunch of pins into the Suitov doll*

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-12-09 13:16

I'll assume I deserved that for something-or-other.

*freezes Mutt doll, shatters it, sets the pieces on fire* Hmm, not all that therapeutic.

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-12-09 13:29

You prefer breaking people's brains, eh?

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-12-09 14:09

I'm afraid I'm very stupid, so if you would be generous enough to tell me what it is I should apologise for, well, it would be an act of mercy.

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-12-09 14:22

You are bloody confusing, that's all.

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-12-09 14:32

Guilty as charged. All right then. I Apologise Unreservedly for any and all confusion I've sown or have yet to sow, excepting among enemies, people who deserve it, people who enjoy it and Weft.

And seriously, if you want a coffee or a griffin egg or anything, I'll do my best make it up to you.

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-12-09 16:01

*sighs and fails not to smile*

You... aw... Thanks; let's forget about it.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2006-12-10 01:05

Er, Suitov, why exactly was I an exception?

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-12-10 01:11

Because of my secret evil plan, remember?

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