Of course. Wasn't that implied by the word "man"?
Oh, my mistake. You are right.
This is wonderful on so many levels.
What, have your parents just told you the difference between girls and boys or something?
Oh dear sir, your people have to be told to know the difference?
My people? Monks? Well, yes.
While we're on the subject, it's 'brother' not 'sir'.
Ah, so you must have some manner of drawings to help you figure these things out. Possibly ones you get to colour all by yourself.
Oh, and all right. Sir.
Remind me to not spare the belt when I see you?
You left it with mother. *beams*
I'll have you know I was quite happy living there.
I might have known...
Miss whoever-you-are, were you asking to see some of our illuminating - sorry, illuminated manuscripts? I warn you, some of them are technical. Long words. Not many pictures. You might struggle. You could always just admire the calligraphy, though.
Oh, I thank you for that most thoughtful warning concerning your adorable illuminating scripts. I am quite sure I could choose to admire the calligraphy to appreciate the hilarity of an overly technical manual to one's own body, but I think I can bear most likely repetitive and technically euphemistic text.
Oh, and yes, you should have guessed.
Hello, by the way.
Forget belts - I'm going to find a riding crop...
There's a bullwhip in my small costume collection you could borrow?
Thank you.
Ah, the illusion of adulthood...
Who said anything about euphemisms? That wouldn't be any use, whether the text is a guide to repairing or irrevocably damaging the various components of someone's body. I don't know what amateurish organisations you're used to dealing with...
Yes, hello.
Ah, so charmingly off the charts.
Helmiiiiiiiine... *crack*
You have got to be kidding me, you immature old goat.
Just in case though... *poof*