Are you ever afraid you'll never find someone?
Oh, if you care to look, finding someone to become enamoured with is not so difficult. Usually there are more worthwhile things to do, though.
Siri might have been thinking of the love of your life to found a family with, rather than casual sex.
In that case we need some alcohol to get you in a talking mood.
Siri, what did you mean? *grin*
Nico. Forget it!
I meant one then the other. Alcohol strictly optional.
Which first?
Oh, I'm somewhat flexible with sequence. Ultimately looking for something long-term, though.
*skims Anke's brain for matches*
Can't suggest anyone, then; either they are not terribly interested in sex, or not in a long-term relationship, and would be bad for your health, or they consider a relationship with a human short-term and painful towards the end, or are the wrong species...
I wasn't asking for blind dates, anyway!
Do you ever wish you could find someone, or worry you never will?
Let's try both.
Sorry, I was just trying to be helpful.
And he's right... if one wouldn't wish to find someone, one needn't worry one never will.
You can worry that maybe you don't want it badly enough and that that might stop it coming true.
No, really, you can.
*sigh* I think we're getting lost in semantics here, let's stop that train of thought.
When I hear "romantic love" I think of "you are the center of my heart, the light of my soul" and similar kitsch, and that's just not healthy. Two people being so close they think they cannot live without each other must get hurt badly soon or later.
How about courtly love, then? "I care not that you be another man's wife. I shall depart and slay many dragons for you! Might I borrow a handkerchief?" (amused)
I think such a proposal is a not too shabby way to get a good thrashing.
Depends a bit on the dragons, though.