*flops down on a couch provided by the Board Spirit*
Sebastian! You owe me a drink!
*is tired and has a headache and is fed up with it all*
Oh? How about tomato juice and spirits, mixed?
*blinks and considers*
You are not talking about a bottled genie or something like that, are you?
No. Strong, clear alcohol.
*considers asking if it's paint thinner. shrugs*
Sounds good. Save the fruitjuice.
*puts a bit of chocolate on a small plate to go with the alkeehaul*
*downs drink, ignores chocolate. grimaces, nods, pauses.*
*looks at Sebastian tiredly*
What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?
My brain's a multiple choice question. What about you?
I've been trapped on an island with a bunch of fools plenty of which want me dead - for years. Consider how you're feeling there after two measly days.
You mean you don't have enough middle gears?
As inconvenienced as I've always felt.
No, I have way too many middle gears.
*ponders just what exactly... hm.*
ha. If you're sick of particular company on the mainland, for whatever reason, there's at least room to move elsewhere.
Of course. That's all I do. Unfortunately, one cannot escape goddesses...
Hm. So when you drive other people to the brink of insanity and beyond, you're just spreading around the misery you're in because your so-called patron goddess keeps on forcing trouble on you for her own amusement?
No, I'm tempting fate to see when she gets bored of me. You mean to say it's my fault if I can't stay locked up, imprisoned or even get executed even if I wanted to?
I didn't even know about that. Have you really tried?
[Just interested/curious, not hinting he should try harder to get killed next time or anything.]
Have I tried? There's always some freak accident or miracle. Always.
Same goes for when I try to settle down and live a normal life. Something always gets messed up.
What's your story?
*Xan first ponders what she's heard. It didn't sound so bad, until you considered it could go on forever. Poor sod.*
I don't think my author's figured it out yet properly. Seems to have been a combination of circumstances, greed, temper... *frowns* and a bit of taste for adventure that got me where I am.