Turning dogs green

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-26 11:31

So, Baskerville... Do you really want green fur? I'd like to give it a try. ^_^

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-26 11:36

So much so you wouldn't believe. *wagwagwagwag*

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-26 11:40

Right, then, hold still for a bit...

*Sylvie puts a hand on Baskerville's head, the other on his back. The hellhound's fur turns... to grass. With some daisies in between. A pink primrose blooms between his ears.*

o_O That wasn't meant to happen.
It is green, though. Mostly.

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-26 18:43

*eyes well up* My god, I'm so beautiful.


*Baskerville skips around like a big turf lamb, occasionally pausing to scratch. Odd blades of grass are dislodged and float to the pavement.*

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-26 19:39

*has a gigglefit, but manages to choke out meanwhile* I'm glad you like it.

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-26 21:31

I think that's about as environmentally aware as a dog can become.

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-27 11:05

Sebs mate, you aren't jealous are you? I know I'm a pretty clod and all, but there's no need.

What happens if it rains? Will I grow?

Hey, and, and, if I wanted a haircut I could just go to a horse!

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-27 13:19

Jealous? Not the least in the world, old chum. Merely amused. How much fertiliser do you think that requires to keep it vibrantly green?

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LaffentTwine: Laffent 2006-11-27 13:28

I'd worry more about cats digging holes in you.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2006-11-27 15:49

Don't cats tend to keep to flower beds and such? Birds do like to peck holes into lawns when searching for worms, though.

[Sylvie, meanwhile, is choking between "oh ****, what did I do" and laughing madly because it's so funny.]

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-27 16:39

*wagwagwagwag - waaaaait*

Cats? Birds I can handle, but - waitWTFfertiliser?

[Suitov: Well, horse grazes dog, horse fertilises dog - there's some pleasing symbiosis.]

Guys... you ever get that "I didn't think this through" feeling?

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-27 16:52

*whimper* *wheeze*


Um, well. Usually my changing spells fade after a few hours, sooooo... *cough*

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-28 14:59

Sylvie, how are you at pink? Because Weft was mentioning it but he's too shy to ask you.

*thinks he is being sly, but is fooling nobody at all*

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-28 15:59

*look of utter confusion* Pink?

*look of horror as the grass that replaced Baskerville's fur turns pink*

It's not me I'm not doing anything I have no ideawhatsgoingon! ;_;

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-11-28 16:09

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, man.

This clashes with my eyes, doesn't it? Tell me the truth.

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MerroTwine: Merro 2006-12-14 16:32

's not so bad. *tilts head and looks at Baskerville*

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-12-14 23:29

Don't go getting any ideas. I'm ALL man. Well, all dog. Even if anyone told you there was poodle in my ancestry (which by the way I am not at liberty to confirm or deny), I'm no woofter.

That being said, pink LOL! Look, even my paw pads!

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MerroTwine: Merro 2006-12-14 23:32

Woofter? *confused eartwitch*

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-12-14 23:38

Er, uh, never you mind about "woofter". It's just a word that means Weft.

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MerroTwine: Merro 2006-12-15 20:52



*moves to scratch Baskerville behind the ear (friendly-like, not with claws!)*

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BaskervilleTwine: Baskerville 2006-12-17 18:07

Ooh, weird. *shifts about, though earscratching is always welcome*

My roots aren't showing, are they?

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NicoTwine: Nico 2006-12-18 08:06

*takes a peek*

I think they're turning out electric blue...

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WeftTwine: Weft 2006-12-18 10:18

He never did have any class. No class at all.

Although, that primrose...

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