Vote one each for Sylvie and Siri. I'd like Shii too, but she didn't seem to want it...
Kitty boy Weft for mascot.
... If I had known we can give two votes to one person, I'd have voted for Sebastian twice. -_-#
Sebastian, on the strength of one - well, ok, rant - here and a couple of posts in Thought Matters, you think I could shepherd this lot?
I don't know whether to enjoy the toadying or run a mile from any club that'd count me, you, Ishtar and Weft among its members...
*glances down at Weft* He isn't just unconscious, he's - wait a minute! Whose bright idea was it to slip him a magical knockout drop? *damn well revives*
His own idea.
Suitov: Yes, as a matter of fact it was his own.
Siri: Your fingerprints are all over this.
Suitov: How could I refuse his heartfelt request? Especially when accompanied by death threats.
Siri: Well, I think that's the most out--
Weft: *blinky* Is the voting done with? Hey, S'bastian? Who won?
Siri: Ah, don't look at the scoreboard.
*peeks in* I, uh, I'd like to vote for Siri, too.
Weft: *looks blinkily at scoreboard* Oh noooooo.
Siri: Look, we can't have two people from the same stable running things.
Weft: I don't want the job anyway.
Siri: I refuse to work with Weft. I'm sorry. He's a killer; it bothers me.
Weft: I said I don't want it.
Siri: You're going to have to vote tactically, Weft.
Weft: All right, so someone tell me how to vote.
Siri: You are the laziest thinker I've ever met!
Weft: Yes, that's what I'm told.
Siri: Do some basic maths!
Weft: But I don't want to vote someone else in if he really doesn't want the job either. Then they'd just abdicate and the next-highest-scoring unfortunate would be up...
Siri: ...for the chop?
Weft: Unless it's someone I like, very possibly.
Sylvie: Alena, you can cast two votes, if you want.
Daaren [to Sylvie]: It would be a bad idea to drag Xan back to vote, wouldn't it?
Sylvie: I think she'd vote for Weft and Sebastian just to bother them.
Daaren: Thought so...
[Anke has looked up "chop" in various places, would advise Weft from staying well away from, and is still not sure what Siri is trying to say...]
["For the chop" is slang for "doomed".]
Sylvie [calls out of the room]: Does anyone else want to vote?
Otherwise it's one vote left for Alena, two for each Suitov, Siri and Weft.
Daaren: The way you're taking over things here looks like actually you'd like the job.
*Gets pushed into the room*
Hi. I would like to vote for Sebastian and... err. *Quick glance at note* ...Welf. No, Weft.
Sorry, we have to take your first answer. Welf it is. *twitches slightly*
I'm abstaining and Suitov said he would too, unless he had to un-vote for himself.
...Tell that man I forgive him for everything.
I vote minus two for Weft. *giggle of triumph*
I feel rather played, now.
I'd have voted you down too, but then we'd both have been tied for second with Sylvie. *looks apologetic*
(Siri: *clocks scoreboard* Oh DEAR ME no.
Ishtar: Sebastian LIKES being tied by Sylvie.)
*Daaren twitches and glares at Ishtar.
Sylvie ignores Ishtar with a bit of effort: So, should we call this the end result, or wait another day in case someone else shows up after all?
But I don't want power! The tying up thing sounds more like work, too, no offence meant towards the charming Sylvie.
So just refuse the commish and Sylvie'll win?
*happy at the thought... Sylvie seems, no offence to Sebbie, more likely to feed hungry doggies*
*stares straight ahead and holds very, very still.