I've known Weft longer than you have. I think I'm best qualified to misrepresent his wishes.
Weft would want you to put his hand in a bowl of warm water. Oh! Even better. He loves people messing his hair up while he's unconscious. Yeah, he likes that.
*ahem* Much as I like the thought, perhaps we should move this along so we have a proper chat forum instead of cramming together in this polling booth? Not that there's anything wrong with that, either. *is pressed against Suitov more thoroughly than is strictly necessary*
My second vote is for Pasht. And I table a motion to declare Ayu-Asra the official mascot.
Daaren: *puts the dragon on a table* One vote for Serpentine. One for Sylvie.
Sylvie: Whaat?! Why?
Daaren [counting on his fingers]: I've seen you try to defuse arguments that are getting too nasty without any obligation to. You are unlikely to abuse power, because you don't want to make enemies if you can avoid it - but you won't accept everything. And if you get pushed too far, you have a few nasty tricks in reserve. You'd manage. People should take you seriously.
Sylvie *looks not happy at all about simultaneously having her own wishes ignored and being complimented so that protesting gets... weird.*
Daaren: Don't panic yet; it doesn't look like you'll win, anyway.
Sylvie: ...
Daaren *smirks, knowing both of their family histories*
If Weft and Sebbiebaby win, I demand their official titles be Sir Kill-Them-All and Sir Take-Their-Stuff, respectively.
I don't know who I should vote for... very few of you seem to want to be guardians, and out of the remainder, I don't really have the urge to torment many.
Yes, the hardly anyone wanting the job bit is a problem.
*throws up hands* Count mine for Sebastian and Lady Knight.
*Would love to suggest the chickogryph as mascot. Eyes Sebastian.* Ayu-Asra as mascot, sure, why not.
If you feed me I won't vote for you. Everyone! Feed me and I won't vote for you!
*licks Weft's hair briefly, makes a "yuck!" face, starts sniffing around people's shoes instead*
"Sebbiebaby?" Have you mistakenly been having cat lately?
Do you prefer Jexywexy?
Oh, and on another note...
You people are insane. Not that I care, but I thought you would like to know!
*would agree, or maybe attempt murders, but is being held unconscious*
*thinks Sebbie would be the perfect person to put in charge, then, but has no character there who'd say that right now*
What the bleedin' hell are you people thinking, voting SEBASTIAN and WEFT up?? In fact, forget I asked, because I have my doubts that whatever you're doing could even be mistaken for thinking if you passed it on a foggy, moonless night!
I think I like this one.
My vote goes to Siri.
...really, REALLY should have seen that coming.
Why is Weft stretched out on the floor, anyway? *frowns* Did he faint at the way the voting's going?
More or less that. Hm, overwhelmed by the support he got, kind of.
So, could we wrap this up some time soon?
Let's see who hasn't voted yet...
Xan stormed off in a huff.
Laffent said she wouldn't want to vote.
Sebastian cast one vote and has a second left.
Baskerville, Serpentine, Siri, Suitov and Weft have not voted at all.
Please correct me if I'm wrong; please excuse that I only included anyone who showed up here so far.
Hey! I voted for the knight lady.
I might as well vote for you.
Can I vote for Siri again?