Discussion/voting: 03

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Ayu-AsraTwine: Ayu-Asra 2006-11-08 19:39

*flaps, stands over (well, on) Weft protectively, and growls at Suitov*

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-08 19:42

Suitov, I agree that four votes for Weft from him would be excessive, but maybe count two, and have his other two votes expire if he doesn't name anyone else? I can attest that the two certainly do not agree on everything...

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-08 19:45

Sweet-off. I was talking to him. That was quite barbaric and rude.

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-11-08 19:46

Sorry, but he did ask. When do you want him awake?

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ShiiTwine: Shii 2006-11-08 19:56

A monastery? Me? Granted, an uptight monastery environment would have unlimited potential for mischief... People with inhibitions make for good targets for all the classics... The real challenge would be in not getting caught, of course, being the new kid in the cell block... *voice drifts off*

[...We lost her, cap'n.]

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LaffentTwine: Laffent 2006-11-08 20:01

Shii, these aren't... um, how do I say this? This monastery has a whole little division of, er, rent monks.

*reeeally hopes nobody asks about that one shore leave in Offwhite City*

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-08 20:04

Shhhhh, Laffent!

Oh, and give him a while, Sweet-off, I suspect Weft's not sleeping enough anyway.

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LaffentTwine: Laffent 2006-11-08 20:22

I hear that each monk has access to ALL the records of everything the monks know! Imagine the strategic, or prank, possibilities.

Leave him asleep, boss. I want to poke him with a stick again and see if I can make him twitch.

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ShiiTwine: Shii 2006-11-08 20:26


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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2006-11-08 20:33

...that can't be good.

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DaarenTwine: Daaren 2006-11-09 07:29

At least she won't cause too much trouble while she's unconscious... probably. [dead serious]

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-11-09 09:31

Let's arrange them while they're out of it. And paint their faces.

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-09 15:53

Sure, but first I'll turn your fur green...

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-11-09 15:57

Ooh! Would you? *starry-eyed*

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2006-11-09 16:06

Oh, fine. I'll sort all these fifty-five letters into folders, then.

Preserve us from lazy authors...

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SylvieTwine: Sylvie 2006-11-09 16:06

I can try, if Suitov would not mind risking you dyeing things green...

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Iceheart & chums 2006-11-09 16:14

Suitov: It might make a change from mud-coloured footprints.

Baskerville: *sits over Weft, briefly touching noses with one of Ayu-Asra, and waits expectantly - unable to stop his tail enthusiastically sweeping the floor*

Laffent: *pokes Weft's outer thigh repeatedly with a pike, looking for his twitch reflex* Twitch, curse you, twitch!

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2006-11-09 16:27

Ayu-Asra: *snaps at Baskerville and starts making strange cracking noises*

Sylvie [to Skerv]: Get away from him! Unless you're fireproof...

Daaren: *makes mental note to look for a place to sleep where none of this crowd can find him*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-11-09 17:15

Int'resting question. Is he?

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DaarenTwine: Daaren 2006-11-09 18:18

*Daaren scoops up Ayu-Asra just as the dragon "breathes" fire. The dandelion-blossom-sized ball of magical flame misses Baskerville and fades in mid-air. Ayu-Asra gets rather quiet after Daaren hisses at him.*

If you want to play with fire, do that elsewhere; I doubt Weft would like burn marks in his clothes.

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