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Is two gonna be enough??
You think maybe two co-mods as well?
They all need to be from different... you know, stables?
I can't vote. I'm biased. *blush*
Sylvie: Lady Knight... um, I think it would be better if people could understand what the moderator is saying? Serpentine... not sure.
Daaren: Does he want to?
Sylvie: Chokedamp... odd thought...
Daaren: No. Not a dog. Neither a vampire.
Sylvie: Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable where Pasht's duties included abusing her power, no. Suitov at least seems civil.
Daaren: *snort*
Sylvie: Hrian -
Daaren: seems really not suitable for this position.
Sylvie: What he said. Sebastian -
Daaren: Wild-raging insane. NO!
Sylvie: err. I really think you are overstating this...
How about you?
Daaren: The "beating up disruptive influences" would be a big problem. I can't do much against magic
Sylvie [low voice]: ...unless you can sneak up to the mage from behind and knock them out...
Daaren: [nods to that], and there are enough people here I would have no realistic chance against in a normal fight. Apart from that I cannot stand being around people all the time. [insert crooked grin here] Really not suitable for this position.
[insert evil grin here] How about you?
Sylvie: o_O Goodness, no! No-one would take me seriously.
Daaren: *heh*
Sylvie: *ahem* Well, votes. Suitov and a random fuzzbucket? I'm not sure yet...
Daaren: Let's put that off until Serpentine and other people had their say.
Sylvie: Good idea.
Xan: You can all go hang!
Sebastian: Wild raging insane?! Why! I protest. And very weightily so, for it is not every day a gentleman has the questionable honour of being called wild, raging and insane during one single sentence!
Serpentine: I don't know... it kinda fits you.
Sebastian: Here, no this man, this one is all of those three.
Serpentine: Yeah?
Chirp, chirp, chirp. The sound of tumbleweed passing by...
Sebastian: Ah, never mind.
Serpentine: I vote for the knight lady, personally.
Sebastian: *mutter!*
Serpentine: So what's the pay?
I completely vote for Xan! O_o So much love. Oh, no, or Serpy and Sylvie. Or...
Actually, I want all of those pairings.
I don't quite understand - who's writing this fanfiction once we've voted? Round-robin? Because that totally works for me.
Daaren: I vote that [points at Ishtar] needs to be killed dead.
The pay... free food and drycleaning? Pot shots at passing authors? All the minor characters you can intimidate, rob, beat, befuddle, shimmy-shammy or stitch up? Telling Iceheart to shut up without reprisals?
...nobody told me there was any pay...
Fenty, just because you're a pervy monk fancier, there's no need to show off.
Sylvie: Daaren... just how often did a girl or woman have to pull you out of some mess, anyway?
Daaren: *sigh* I didn't count. And nothing forced anyone to help me.
Sylvie: Let's see, once so far Laffent, me twice, N-
Daaren: The first time you just asked your companion to stop drowning me. [glare]
Sylvie: um. Right.
Anyway, back on topic: Xan would have pretty much the same problems Daaren mentioned.
Well, except at least one of the mages is horribly chivalrous and wouldn't hurt a woman if at all avoidable. Not that I regularly drub werewolves either. I think that disqualifies me from any notion of peacekeeping by force. *seems hopeful*
The first! You do not need violence to solve everything. *rolls eyes* Moderators are supposed to moderate -- I don't know what Weft was about with that "intimidating, robbing and beating up" talk.
Suitov Iceheart, you're quite capable of picking somebody up and holding him in the air until he promises to calm down, so don't obfuscate or I shall vote for you out of spite.
Fear and violence is all some people understand.
*looks at Suitov, wondering if the mage thinks he was likely to cause trouble, then rolls his eyes, sighing*
Is there a reason why Weft isn't on the list, anyway?
Why would I add myself as a nominee? *looks spooked* I can't stand you people.
Do you mean you would not nominate yourself, and can't stand me because you thought I considered it a possibility? I didn't realise those were ominations by you; the "don't vote for this man" doesn't really make it look like it was. Or do you mean that you don't want to be nominated because you can't stand us and therefore don't want to have more than absolutely necessary to do with us? [is genuinely confused]
The second one. Kind of.
No, *grumble* those weren't nominations by me... I was hoping nobody would notice I left myself off the list.
We drew straws. I lost.
Sylvie: Aw. Well, it just crossed my mind that if Suitov was chosen, you would have to hang around anyway, and, hm, helping out might make your job less boring. But if you don't want to be nominated-
Daaren: You should take the names of other people who don't want the job off the list, too.
Sylvie [frowns at Daaren]: I was going to say "I'll respect that".
Ayu-Asra sits down in front of Weft, looks up at him with two pairs of soulful eyes, and purrs.
Fine, fine, I'll put myself back on the list, but anyone who votes for me may get shivved. Honestly, you can't even cheat in an election around here... should've got Sebastian to run the voting...
Aw, lizzy. *pat*