Discussion in Poetry 02

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-08-22 19:23

Clumsy, true, yet nonetheless
As sluggish as a toad,
Still, a dam'sel in distress
Puts Mutt in rescue mode.

Thus, though dogged by great delay
(For Mutt's a lazy swine)
Magic missives penned today
Will tell us How_To_Twine.

Recent changes show up here,
There's even RSS.
When the L-J feeds appear,
This WILL be their address.

Edit passwords are required,
But ours are all the same.
Default cipher, Ice-inspired,
You used when first you came.

And then put in your name.

Cookies must be turned on, note.
So, password, name, what's next?
Find a page what needs more wrote,
And then poke Edit text.

== Headings == need an equal sign,
For '''bold''', apostrophes;
Use ''italics'', or '''''combine''''';
And links are made with [[these]].

Sweet, our blue-leaved knowledge vine!
Encyclopaedic lore!
Link from Pro with backslash, "twine",
and {Words_with_underscore,words with underscore}.


use \wiki{Treter-Shaw}.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2004-12-06 08:42

Oooooooh babe
What more can I do?

Oooooooh babe
What more can I do for you?

There was a time, I lived
Hung up on your every glance
There was a time, I tried
Bent backwards to make you laugh

Oooooooh babe
What happened to you?

Oooooooh babe
What can't I get through to you?

And oooooooh babe
What more can I do for you?

'Your search found 0 posts in 0 topics'

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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-01-21 01:00

There's naught to do, although 'tis true
That squirrels recently have roamed.
Fear not, dear mutt! That door's not shut.
We strayed not very far from home.

Our lives have strained; our writing, pained,
For reasons naught to do with thee.
But in our hearts (and brain-like parts),
We trust we will return with glee.

(Almost wrote "pee", just for a cheap joke. But I'm more mature than that. Sometimes.)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-04-21 12:05

The sun has got his hat on,
The birdies haunt the trees.
The blossom's pink and fulsome
And bobbing in the breeze.

The daffodils are dancing,
The melting snowdrops teary.
The galling kitsch of springtime!
Oh bother! Now I'm cheery!

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-06-10 18:18

I have a virus.
Don't expect me round here much,
I'm going to bed.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2005-11-10 23:10

The tiles, the tiles, they taunt me, dear,
I hear their mocking laughter still.
They've flummoxed me for now, and I
Shall dream of spots, I know I will.

--I know I will. Mwahaha. *runs away*

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JuliaTwine: Julia 2005-11-14 09:02


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ReeTwine: Ree 2005-11-23 06:26
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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2006-03-02 11:33

I was poked, alas!
Cruelly skewered
by a Germanic lass
My rhyme is addled
So am I!

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-03-02 12:19

What's to be done?
And why, or why not, should I miss
A friend like mine? We've never spoken,
Know names by accident,
Don't use them.
Never exchanged faces.
Might hate each other if we met.
I worry about him.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-07-17 08:52

"We shall halt your ravaging",
Taking the lead, I cried to our foe.
"For whom's the plural?" it asked,
And I suddenly felt the emptiness behind me.

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ReeTwine: Ree 2006-07-30 00:10

The squirrels go marching one by one,
Hurrah, hurrah,
The squirrels go marching one by one,
Hurrah, hurrah,
The squirrels go marching one by one
The antelope flee 'cause the squirrels have the gun
And the hooves

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2006-08-21 11:35

OFFICER: "We know you shot the antelope, son,
we know you filled 'er with buckshot.
And not just one, mind you, but two."

SUSPECT: "But, but, but, I didn't mean to!
The prison guys will say I'm hot!"

OFFICER: "Where did you find the shotgun?"

SUSPECT: "This black dog with an eyepatch!"

OFFICER: "..."

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