Things with foxes

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SiriTwine: Siri 2008-10-13 09:24

Might as well continue the trend. Sebastian, don't look here. Helmine... well, I'm not sure, you might like it...

From the writeup here:


The fox has been thrown into the air to be caught, suspended, in a cruciform of light rays. Steve Bishop's sculpture very simply combines the real with the speculative; the stuffed fox, speared through and through, is a contemporary San Sebastian, referring to religious painting and modern sculpture.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2008-10-14 06:39
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SiriTwine: Siri 2008-12-04 08:25
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AnkeTwine: Anke 2010-02-28 09:04
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AnkeTwine: Anke 2010-03-23 11:33

From the local paper: In a garden in Bavaria, apparently a fox buried a duck alive. The head and one foot of the bird protruded from a flower bed, until the police dug it out. This duck was only slightly injured, however, three more ducks are still missing.

You always need to let get one away to spread the story, ne?

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BasaltineTwine: Basaltine 2010-03-23 12:54

What if it's an UNDUCK? Vampire foxen loose in sleepy Bavarian village! Vicious vampire ducks!

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