Mutt's head, one'd assume.
Anybody else who wants to come up with a question?
Egg and spam, or egg, bacon and spam?
*is currently tinkering with the global Blocked Senders list in high dudgeon*
Are you by any chance saying we're getting spammed, sir?
Egg in jelly please.
*brushes bright pink, runny dye off his hands*
Do me a favour, everyone, and if anyone says you've got an e-card, ask me before you open it. I'm going now to shower off a great many pixels from obscured pharmaceutical billboard gifs.
Privacy or safety? Given no alternatives.
Oooh, privacy for me, safety for everyone else. Giving them no alternatives.
The invisible spying on the invincible...
Quite. Although, I'm invincible too, remember. Heh.
Although, that reminds me, the old classic. Flight or Invisibility?
(Mages, "I can already do both simultaneously" is NOT the answer. One or the other, please.)
Flight is small figs next to water-walking, so invisibility.
If I was invisible I could sneak up on people and slit their throats. Oh wait, I already do that a lot. Fwa ha ha ha! Well, I'll say flight just to disagree with Ice, although I don't really like it when he picks me up by magic so I'd probably only do it to annoy him.
Both would be useless to me.
Invisibility would suck
except for stealing from pantries
I like being visible
Flight all teh way. SUPERMAN(dog)!
Awwww, Basaltine has a Krypto-crush.
I don't like Krypto. He has a cat sidekick. Cat siedkicks are for losers. I only watch it if there's nothing involving gunge and slime and loud noises on the other channel.
Ace the Bat Hound is cool
Bazzletiny, what precisely's your definition of "sidekick"?
And "cat"?
I don't like your tone of voice young lady
Girls or boys? For whatever purpose you want to specify.
Ugh. Neither thanks.
(Val: Oh, girls please
As in assignments and clients and so on? Guys are more sympathetic, straightforward and clear about what they want. Of the ones that've treated me cruelly, it's always girls that are the worst. It's more psychological cruelty with them. I don't care so much about being beaten up, so I prefer men.
*mutters* He chevnen, sed che mein...
As colleagues: both or neither.