Stop it before more idiots vote for us.
I guess if you go for the bed rest and milky drinks, you might be able to do without the cuddles? *looks questiongly at Siri*
*somehow squirms out of her grip and dumps Suitov in his place* Ha! Wood floors, fish and water and punishing training schedules are good enough for me. So long, suckers! *disappeaaaars*
...we polarise the high end, we can come up with something that appears to foll... Oh. Hullo. Hadn't I already voted?
*reappears in t-shirt reading "Labile Demonic Suffrage" - hand-written, obviously* Oh my, pairings, where do I start? With Jelly/Merro, I think. *catches sight of Suitov; hopefully:* Or... with you?
Happily paired, and she's not available for comment at present.
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