Child of nature or product of civilisation? Interpret the question however you want.
Can I answer both?
Can I stop you? :)
No, to be honest.
Duh. And would I try?
Well, I was hoping!
Ha. :)
I learned from the best and the worst -- civilisation.
Hmm... nature.
Civilisation is a continuation of nature by other means.
I know what the young lady meant. Even so, though, I'm tempted to consider everything 'nature'.
That's what I meant: nothing unnatural about civilisation.
Yes. And the division seems especially arbitrary when one takes into account-- Weft: BORING. I like civilisation. No ucky nature near my hangouts, thank you.
And here I was thinking you liked trees.
...Who has been talking to you?
Um, you? I got the impression you liked hanging out up trees, particularly when sulking.
Nahhh. You must be confusing me with you. I don't sulk.
Ok I got one I got one. Carrot or stick? (Also, domesticated wildness.)
Mope, then. Stick, I'm saving up for a log cabin. I'd try to come up with a new question if I was sure our dear co-moderator meant to start a game like that. Siri?
Absolutely! Carrot. I prefer night vision, especially with vampires around.