Slimy/scaly/fuzzy sidekicks

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PerryTwine: Perry 2007-12-20 11:30

Intelligent and/or talking animals. Yea or neigh?

I met this magician once whose familiar was a statue. Honest to god. Fuggin' statue. He could 'hear' it 'talk' to him.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-12-20 19:23

What size statue?

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PerryTwine: Perry 2007-12-20 19:33

Oh, *frowns* woman sized. And woman shaped. On a plinth. Have you ever heard something so creepily daft?

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-12-21 07:57

Neigh. I mean. Give me an intelligent horse and I'll serve as the best damn outrider you've ever seen.

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2007-12-21 09:18

I know some rocca who would love to speak to you, Helmine.

Quite open to the idea of talking animals, myself.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-12-21 09:28

And someday the army'll decide to stay home and leave all the work to you. Or is that usual?

*looks a bit skeptical* About the statue, depends. Even ignoring the whole "supernatural help" angle: If it could observe what's going on around it, and its status was kept secret, and it was placed with some care, I can see how it might be useful as a spy.

Not that that wouldn't be true for, say, an intelligent pigeon, which would be... less immobile.

... My author is remembering some series of TV films in which of of the heroine's companions, and weapons, was a talking stone. It was useful beyond occasionally giving advice in that it returned after being thrown, if she remembers correctly.

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PerryTwine: Perry 2007-12-21 09:38

Nah, I never saw it move or speak. He was just a pervy old man with a thing for stone cleavage.

I second the bit about Iceybuns.

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-12-21 09:57

If they leave all the work for me, I'd better be the queen after I win.

Suitov, you're on.

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Bzz l tin 2007-12-21 10:32

Yuu are all ready the quenee of my HEARrt <333

moar mulled wiine3££££

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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2007-12-21 10:43

I hear there's more outside. Why don't you go outside. [in that "this is not a suggestion" tone]

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BasaltineTwine: Basaltine 2007-12-21 11:10

*goes to bother happier people*

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PierreTwine: Pierre 2007-12-21 18:48

Talking animals rule.

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ArgillaTwine: Argilla 2007-12-22 14:45

And are just as megalomaniacal as anyone else.

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-12-22 14:45

Says you.

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PierreTwine: Pierre 2007-12-22 18:55

She's right! Though nobody's as megalomaniacal as Sum-- ...uh, someone who's a megalomaniac.

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