That voodoo that you do 13

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-10-04 17:00

You're about as frightening as a kitten.

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XanTwine: Xan 2007-10-04 17:09

*stares at Weft for a while*

*walks away, shaking her head and muttering "bloody waste of time"*

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-04 19:27

She was terrified. Mwa ha ha! Did you see?

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-10-04 19:32

And my writer thinks I am nuts. Oy.

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HelmineTwine: Helmine 2007-10-04 19:32


I guess I'll petname you Napoleon. *quietly* For more than one reason.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-04 20:05

What? Someone's got to keep these petty bandits in line. Or they'll think they can go round being wizards and feeding people tea with impunity.

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SuitovTwine: Suitov 2007-10-08 08:11

*Someone has dressed several dolls in cute little bat-capes and carefully markered fangy smiles on them.*

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XanTwine: Xan 2007-10-08 10:14


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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-08 10:43


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Helmine & Argilla 2007-10-08 11:48

H: That doesn't look like me.

A: Only because smiling hurts your face...

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...Twine: ... 2007-10-14 16:32

*For some inexplicable reason, the doll representing Helmine is blue.*

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...Twine: ... 2007-10-14 19:21

*Oh, and the doll representing Sebastian is wearing a red toque and a false beard.*

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-10-21 13:52

*drops tin-clad figure into a crucible and melts it*

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RobotTwine: Robot 2007-10-21 19:10

Assaulting an officer of the law! You shall be exter- arrested!

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-10-21 19:24

... Your club swears in little, straw-stuffed dollies, which are inanimate, as officers?

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RobotTwine: Robot 2007-10-21 20:23

Query: That was a doll, not a miniature robot?

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-10-22 15:42

Well, it didn't move or make sounds, seemed about the right weight for a straw doll with a little bit of tin around it, and I found it in a display full of voodoo dolls.

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RobotTwine: Robot 2007-10-22 19:11

Statement: Circumstantial evidence!

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2007-10-22 19:15


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RobotTwine: Robot 2007-10-22 19:22

Query: Do you have stairs in your house?

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