Not a wizard

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 10:10

It's a pity for this writerling here. She was working up to an explanation why trying to poison them would be stupid.

But Weft probably would have come up with workarounds and possibilities neither she nor I could ever have thought of.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 10:14

Tea is poisonous to me.

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 10:18

Well, that's a real pity. I'm sorry. :(

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 10:38

What for, anatomy? You might as well apologise for having two parallel lungs, wizard.

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 10:54

No, for offering you any, under the circumstances.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 10:59

I'm really only concerned that Sebastian doesn't do anything monumentally stupid, like drink his.

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 11:10

Oh, well. He doesn't seem to be stupid.

By the way, I wondered... under what conditions do you consider someone a wizard?

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 11:13

*confused* You admitted it.

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 12:26

No, I said I'm not.

Claiming to be a wizard when you're not officially one, well, actual wizards don't look kindly on that. I met a man once who had, and could not tell left from right and up from down after they were finished with him.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 12:34

Weft: "Are you a wizard?"
Evrard: "blah blah yes"

If you're unlicensed that makes it all the worse. You might botch whatever you've got in mind and cause complete.. chaos...

...You haven't ever opened a gate to a raw chaos dimension and engulfed entire towns in a roiling mass of nothingness, have you?

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 12:39


A rommate later did complain about my spreading out my reading materials too much, but that's about it.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-10-03 12:50

Books. I might've known you'd be a reader. *manages to make this sound as bad as being a townicidal maniac*

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EvrardTwine: Evrard 2007-10-03 12:59

Unfortunately it was inevitable.

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