Nico, Daaren and Sylvie lounging around the Oak, having a break from general weirdness. Apparently, one of them gets bored easily...*
Nico: You know, you never told me how you two came to know each other.
*Daaren and Sylvie look at each other.*
Daaren *looks at Nico and shrugs*: You know how these things happen...
Sylvie: He knocked me unconscious, tied me up, and dragged me to a cave.
Nico, amused: What, you, too?
*Sylvie gives Daaren a WTF-look. Daaren sighs.*
Daaren, to Nico: I did not knock you unconscious, you were startled and hit your head falling down a slope.
Nico: Details, details.
Sylvie: So, Daaren. Why? Or is that just a hobby of yours?
Daaren: We've been over that already.
Sylvie: I mean in her case. *nods in Nico's direction*
Nico: Actually I asked first, you know? And, Daaren, don't make such a sour face. Look on the bright side, at least it's not talk behind your back; you're right here to keep faulty rumours about your habit of kidnapping young women from spreading. *grins*
Daaren: I'll never hear the last of it, will I?
Nico: Absolutely not. ^_^
[More whenever the author's up to it]
Can it has be more Tales of Young Ladies in Peril tiem now?
Especially the parts where there's all-out firefights and they jump out of the jeep just before it blows up. I'm sure I remember that part.
And then where she goes "You're a little short for an orc" and hits him with an adjustable wrehnch
Remind me sometime when there are not 3 storyboards waiting for longish posts from me... :)
I can maek it up if you like! I'm great at writing stories.
KABLAM! The noise, never ever one you wanted to hear aboard a light intrasystem spacecraft, echoed through steel-mesh corridors.
Nico, a diminuitive figure in a jumpsuit and half a set of EVA armour, flung open the airlock's inner door and stamped back inside. "What the merry hell is going on?" she shouted at a passing drone as it powered on its spindly fly wings towards the source of the sound.
At least it wasn't heading away from the noise, she reflected. That would have been bad.
Next chapter will be posted when donations reach $40