Fear 02

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-03-20 10:27

I'm scared by a lot of crazy aliens. Don't have a fear of them, they just are unpredictable.

What else, hmm... I don't like getting soaked to the skin by cold water? That's more of a personal preference.

Other than that, just the usual fears. Failure, rebellion, impurity, outside context problems, that sort of thing.

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IceheartTwine: Iceheart 2007-05-30 09:02

I did hope that this board would remain free from that sort of idiocy... [annihilates nuisance posts]

(Weft: I vote Suitov for security chief.
Siri: Oh grief no.
Basaltine: Spam. It's what's for breakfast.
Weft: Nicely kept on-topic there.
Basaltine: I second the security officer vote only if he gets a laser phaser gun.
Iceheart: Guns do not make people look cool.
Siri: Exactly! ... [looks suspicious at Suitov agreeing with her]
Mutt: ...eheeheehee.
Basaltine: Now, long flamy leather coats, THEY make people look cool.
Mutt: Thanks.)

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Jaina Jade 2007-06-01 20:04

*stakes more spam*

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-06-02 13:32

I really don't want to add a CAPTCHA to my boards, but self help me...

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ReeTwine: Ree 2007-06-02 20:20

I'd look into Akismet before a CAPTCHA. I have a deep, burning hatred for the latter; the former has kept 200+ spams off MoonBurnt so far. I don't think there's already an Akismet mod for Discus, but it might be possible to grab the one for MovableType or Bloxsom and adapt it.

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2007-06-03 17:44

Headvoices: this forum is going members-only posting for a while. Use your author's username and password, accessed from mutt.deity.creator.profusion.∞userinfo (or your local equivalent). Sorry for the inconvenience.

Basaltine: Well, that sucks.
Suitov: Patience, Iago.
Siri: Suitov, I don't care if you're in charge of Mutt's geek memory - there's never any excuse for Disney quotes.
Weft: Oh Zazu, do lighten up.
everyone: [stares at Weft]
Weft: What? Mutt made me watch it! It was that or Camp Blood II! I'm still not a kitty!
Basaltine: And that wasn't you crying at Mufasa's death, huh?
Weft: No, that was me. Mutt's was the evil laughter.
Mutt: ...well, it'd been a hard couple of months...

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