So, Mr. Wyldsong. What's scary about me?
To everyone else, do you have a phobia or a fear of anything innocuous? I must admit I have never been afflicted with one.
I have only natural - healthy - distrust for anyone who seems to be harmless and is strongly connected to institutions that most certainly are not harmless.
This is not up for discussion. Good day.
I'm developing an irrational fear of Suitov; does that count?
What?! Why?
I'm sorry if I've put you to any trouble, then. [appears somewhat baffled by the mention of "harmless"]
Suitov, you're a politician and an occasionally mischievous schemer and a good liar actor and I keep on finding myself wondering "what is he up to now?"
I said it's irrational...
I hope.
Oh, that. But that's a fairly rational thing to wonder; I assumed there was something else.
Was there something else I should have noticed?
Why are you people so eager to be threatened all of a sudden?
Mutt: I reckon it's like when they have a "Love it" reaction to Coerce.
(Everything I needed to know about human interaction, I learned from ESIV:Oblivion.)
Tortile: Perhaps it's the force of your personality, my lord.
Iceheart: And what would you know about that, hmm?
Tortile: Everything Weft knows.
Iceheart: I have no idea what Weft thinks or what he reports back to your masters.
Tortile: Very little of either. For example, I know you confound him into stupefaction with impressive frequency - although that isn't much of a feat for anyone, let alone your good self.
Iceheart: [tightly] You will speak of him with more respect if you please.
Tortile: [eyes light up like gas flame] I am sorry. I had no idea you were... close.
Iceheart: [there's no way he's going to rise to that one] Quite all right. Although you'd do well to teach yourself to be gracious towards your inferiors. I guarantee you, it isn't a skill you'll regret in the acquisition.
Tortile: Really? I can see I have much to learn.
Weft: [looks like he wants to die right now]
I don't particularly like being paranoid. -_-
That is the tricky thing about paranoia. Anything from me, affirmation or denial, is going to stoke it.
Keeping in mind the inevitable futility of such a declaration, I still wish to say that for the most part all I've been thinking about lately is my ladyfriend, the future (in the broadest of terms) and helping Mutt with a setting and some magoscientific mechanics. It might be different if I were presently being written anywhere active.
Posturing is stupid. Politics are stupid. Paranoia is stupid. If you think someone'd want to hurt you, don't even give 'em the opportunity to touch you.
Phobias, anyway! I'm sort of scared of children. Young ones. And... masks, the heavy, rigid, completely face-concealing kind. And some other less interesting stuff.
I can't very well spend the rest of my life alone in my room and with the 'net disconnected...
Masks... When someone suggests you wear one, when someone else wears one, or even when they hang on a wall?
In general. I dunno. It's not like a screaming ninny fit or anything, but I don't like them.
I never really wear one myself, but that's 'cause I've never seen the point. If they know me by sight and that's a problem, means it's time to be moving on anyway.
Not everyone wants to hurt you. Most don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, I find. That's why I said paranoia's stupid see?
I can't abide slugs. Snails, worms, spider, all OK, but slugs are yucky.
[scared of horses]
What's wrong with slugs? Or do you mean the ones that dissolve clothing? 'Cause that's annoying, but hardly nightmare material.
Oh, I suppose if you ever have nightmares about being suddenly naked it could be. Not me, though.
I don't like 'em.