What was your favourite pet or pets that you had when you were younger, if any?
My father had a big terrarium with colour frogs when I was small...
I remember a fat purple one with yellow stripes liked chewing on the flowers.
I used to have a sparrow. He was stupid and dumb and refused to stay in his nest, and by the time I got him to stay in the damn nest, his mom had left the scene. For good.
So then I painstakingly nursed him for a while and taught him to fly. The bastard never came back.
Damn ingrates.
My order has a fish pond. I had to scrub it fairly often. It's nice to watch them.
Do kits count?
Kits of what?
Fox kits? Do you mean Shii and Midara? (If you do, I guess you should ask them, but of course I could be completely misunderstanding you...)
What, does kits mean cubs? I thought a kit was a set of parts to make something, or a set of uniform, or like a tool kit.
Yes, that, too. What you said, and young of some species, including foxes, and a kind of small narrow violin, apparently...
Though probably the violins don't get cubs, probably.
Sorry, not a pet.
And you aren't particularly viol, though you do seem to cause plenty of fretting.
I second the... uh... whoever it is. Not a pet. Despite having a rabid canine for a father.
I used to occasionally play with a shrike when I was little. But that was my mother's spirit animal, so to speak, so I'm not sure whether it counts as a pet.
Got this dog, see.
Or has he got you?
I and my brothers don't have pets.
What is the point of them, incidentally, apart from as a status symbol?
My author decided that the shrike thing doesn't fit in after all, so it turns out that I have had no pets. Until further notice, anyway.
Shii, sorry to hear that. Everyone should be around animals growing up. It's part of the whole realm of socialising your children.
Tortile, animals shouldn't ever be a status symbol! If that remark was serious, you need to go here.
Domestic pets are companions and friends and fulfil the need most sapients share to have something to care for. Read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? for one fictional take on it. You, Mister Monk, might be able to relate to that. (It should be in the Abbreviated Library off mutt.deity.memory...)
You are both righteous and helpful with the pertinent reference material, Ms Siri. Thank you.