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SebastianTwine: Sebastian 2007-03-28 15:09


[Tosses Helmine out]

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PerryTwine: Perry 2007-03-28 15:38

Would we be guaranteed not to die until the months were up, right, because I can think of a hell of a lot of applications there...

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SiriTwine: Siri 2007-03-28 15:49

I was going to say I'd find someone to love, but you've all put me off that one. And you're right -- it would be selfish.

So I'd tie up loose ends, say goodbye to everyone I could still find, generally try to leave the place a little nicer than I found it. And probably meditate a lot.

That's assuming I could face it calmly and not head for Raging Denialville like Ice or give in to drug-and-adrenaline sprees like some of you others. Perhaps I'd be scared too, in the event.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-03-28 17:46

I think it'd need a while to sink in, and I hope I'd have enough time after that to get some sort of will sorted out. There are a few... keepsakes in storage I'd rather know in good hands.

I don't think I'd have the nerve to say goodbye to friends in person. I don't want that the last they see of me is me completely freaking out, see.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-03-29 07:16

Why would you be throwing a freakout?

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-03-29 11:55

Not necessarily throwing, but, eh...

Well, I don't know what'll happen next if not the usual happens, and, see, the thought of permanently being stuck in some hell or heaven or limbo or whatever is even more scary than things just being over. Way more scary.


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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-03-29 12:02

Oh. Uncertainty must be horrible.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-03-29 12:41

Not nice, no, but not the biggest problem. Certainty that I'd be stuck somewhere without a way out would be even worse.

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-03-29 12:59

Not for me. I think I'd honestly freak out much more if I had was no clue as to where I'd end up.

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Varus / Sevroa 2007-03-29 15:46

[Both:] Relax.

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NicoTwine: Nico 2007-03-29 16:56

That may be the first good idea I've heard in a month. :D

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IshtarTwine: Ishtar 2007-03-30 10:55

I don't know what I'd do...

I'd hate knowing something like that. -_-

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WeftTwine: Weft 2007-03-30 10:56

I thought you at least would be guaranteed to go on a debauched rampage!

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IshtarTwine: Ishtar 2007-03-30 11:01

No, that would be too much like a normal working day... or a normal attempt-to-fill-my-existence, anyway. [shifts uncomfortably]

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