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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-06-22 16:14

The scene: A howling storm at the window, a blazing fire in the fireplace (also occupied by a large sleeping dog) and mugs of steeped wine (or substitute) all round. Our characters have slunk their dripping ways into the inn and nobody much feels like leaving tonight. With no entertainment provided, somebody, I can't remember who it was, suggested swapping stories of their exploits.

Have your character relate something that's happened to them. They don't have to stick to the truth, but don't become boring or someone else might just interrupt...

Bring your adventure-hardened characters - the more experience they've had, the more they'll have to talk about.

(This storyboard is set in the Cross'd Roads tavern, but events here are separate from the inn board as regards continuity.)

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-07-07 20:47

The purpose of this board is twofold.

Firstly, a lot of our characters have long histories, some at other groups, and I thought it'd be lovely to have a way to share some of that history in a Proish setting.

Secondly, it's an opportunity to write for a while in the character's voice and give their view of things. There's also some added spice: because, after all, the character might be... lying.

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