"Because I don't know what shade of shady it will be," he explained, staring back at her, still melancholy.
"Could you un-fold that a little so you are less confusing?"
Sebastian blinked. "He's an unknown quality, but shady. I just don't know how much he's thinking of his own career opportunities. He might sell me -- and even you -- out for that bit of personal achievement."
Auker scoffed. "He won't." Sebastian glanced at her. "'cause I'll kill 'im if he does."
Judging by the look Kord and Sebastian both gave Auker (and the look the half-elf gave Sylvie), they thought she was serious.
Sylvie tried to smile not too widely at the older woman. She didn't think that it was personal liking on Auker's part, but nevertheless, the support was heartwarming. "Thank you." Next she asked Sebastian, "He did turn... less smug when we mentioned Auker, didn't he?"
Sebastian smiled. "Yes, actually. He's quite smitten, I think."
Kord remained still after Auker's outburst. Sebastian merely kept his smile on his face.
"Maybe." She tried to think back to the two talks Auker, Montmore and she had had, but wasn't sure... Montmore had come across as the type who liked acting "charming", and she hadn't really been looking for signs. Oh, well. "He did say 'Auker would never forgive me' if we got in trouble, without either of us mentioning her first, so that seems like a good sign."
For once, the still slightly drunk priestess was wordless. Sebastian and Kord looked at Sylvie; the half-elf smiling, the clergyman utterly confused.
Finally, it Auker said: "...really?"
"Really," said Sebastian.
"So, maybe hear him out before deciding if you're going to damage him." Sylvie kept up the calm smile even when she realised she should maybe have made clearer she had been mostly thinking of Montmore not selling them out.
Rapping her fingers on the table for a while, Auker finally sighed and grunted, admitting defeat. The men relaxed, especially Kord, but Sebastian looked more relieved. "So, in any case, that's what we have. But frankly, I'm somewhat glad it turned out to be Montmore."
Then he twitched and frowned as he realised just how many key players had been found to be so conveniently involved. Then he thought of how he'd never even have known about Jackites if it weren't for what went on last time he was here, and how Montmore said his predecessors had sent the Hound after him and... the list went on. Pale of skin as he was, his pallor turned almost white. He swallowed bile. Twice.
"Sebastian? What is it?" Sylvie leaned towards him and reached for his hand, worried both for him, and if he had thought of yet another problem.
"I'm going to be sick."
Oh, rats, what had happened now? But first things first. "Kord, pass over a bowl or something." The big man was closest to the shelf.
Auker looked undisturbed, even when Kord, pertrubed, barely managed to produce a bowl. She didn't even blink when anything and everything Sebastian had not yet managed to digest hit the bowl, and a little of it missed it. Eventually, the half-elf sat there, gasping in air, hands shaking and eyes watery and red.
He had one thing to say. It was, "Fuck."
Sylvie put the bowl an arm'S length away for now. One hand on Sebastian's shoulder, she asked, "Do you know what brought that on? Or should I try to check?"
"I'd like to know too. If it's contagious, I'll pump myself with medicinal," Auker said, causing Kord to roll his eyes and mutter something nasty under his breath, although he was a little green around the gills.
Whether or not Sebastian's ear twitching meant he had heard, he kept to himself, but gave Sylvie a look of wonder, puzzlement and worry all mixed together with a hint of fear. "Bad thoughts, that's all."
"Thoughts?" Kord snorted. "Weak stomach, then."
"I'm too tired to shove my fist up your ass," Sebastian replied lamely, with no fight in him. "I'll tell her when I'm ready. You two, you aren't going to hear it."
A couple of glances were given to Sylvie. The big man gave a sigh and shook his head, then turned to take the bowl and head for the door. "...always telling Poppy everything..."
Sylvie looked at Kord's back for a moment. He wasn't the first who had come up with that nickname. Then she shrugged and went looking for a rag to clean the table.
She frowned, looking for a bright side. "Well, better than Montmore having poisoned wine around and offering it to guests."
"Yeah." He stood up stuck his hands into his pockets. "I'll go freshen myself up a little, I think. Sorry about the mess, Auker."
"You're joking, right?" she said, raising one eyebrow and glancing at the cupboard where she kept her medicinal. "Apologise to her instead."
A bit of a smile flickered. "Sylvie will just call me silly," he said, heading for the corridor. He closed the door after himself before allowing himself a long, long sigh; maybe he'd let himself wallow in it for a few minutes before starting to wise up again.
Sylvie sent a glare after his back before going back to cleaning the table. This eposide was unsettling. She hoped his idea that whatever he had thought of was nothing urgent was right, but hadn't wanted to press him in that state.
The priestess had cocked her head. Kord hadn't returned yet. "Well, that was interesting. I'll admit jealousy, though," Auker said and got up herself, heading for the medicinal, which she plonked on the table. "Sit down and stop fussing."
"It stinks," she answered, but took the rag to the sink.
Back at the table she reached for her teacup.