"By the sound of it, damn well," Kord admitted. Just moment's later Auker marched in and slammed the door in Sebastian's face before he could enter the room. "Tea. Now. Coffee. Whatever," the priestess demanded, face wet and dripping water still. Sebastian entered with a calm look on his face, rubbing his left hand.
Sylvie poured a cup for her and handed it over to Auker, before pouring for Sebastian, and refilling her own cup. She did not grin, and she most definitely did not say "Classic". Or anything else, for that matter.
Nor did he. He sat as far away from Auker as possible; she was still glaring at him. "Fortuna damn you, Sebastian the Fortunate. Why are we in such a hurry?"
"Well, first off... ahm. Well, we made contact with the authorities. It's Montmore."
"Wait, what?" she squawked, turning a fierce look at Sylvie.
"He said he's an agent representing the city, region, and country," Sylvie repeated. "Been at it for ten years." She was perfectly calm.
"Uh," Kord said, then regarded Sylvie again. "Well, that's a surprise. Really. We don't keep an eye on those guys. They'd mess with us if we did. He just got and said this to you two?"
"After we told him what was going on and asked him for his help."
"Monty's government?" Auker shrieked, still trying to come to grips with the infromation. Sebastian settled for eyeing the ceiling.
"Well, that's interesting," Kord managed, staring at the three of them. "But he's going to help?"
"I was planning on--" Auker began before remembering where she was. "Oh, hell, he'd better. I'm going to tear him a new one if he doesn't help. And he's going to have to answer a few straight questions and I'll tear him another one if he doesn't answer that, too!"
Sebastian looked a bit helpless.
"He said we had his support, yes." When she lowered her cup after a sip, her smile was bordering on a grin. "Auker, can I watch? It'd like to make observations and take notes. It's research."
"You damn well can, I'll, I'll..." she hissed and spat and suddenly wound down. "Oh. Research for what?"
Sebastian smirked in spite of himself. In fact, he looked as though he had a hard time not laughing. He mouthed three silent words to Sylvie.
Sylvie gave Sebastian a slow blink, like a happy cat.
"Just general interest, not thorough research. Methods of scaring people into giving up information, and their reactions. And Montmore needs to be a test case for something.
"He should be here in a bit less than an hour, by the way."
The half-elf couldn't even speak. He was too busy ogling at Sylvie with respect and appreciation -- a very firm grin stuck on his face, in addition.
"Well, he'll get a treatment!" Auker huffed. "I'll... I'll... well, all right. I'll calm down," she said, once Kord placed a shovel-sized hand on her head.
"Yes, sister. Best you do that," the man muttered, looking around nervously.
Sylvie gave Kord a mock innocent look before telling Auker, "Don't do anything on my behalf, but if you do, I'd like to take the opportunity."
She took a deep breath, let it go slowly, and in the process visibly relaxed. Smiling and an amused rather than gleeful gleam in her eye she said, "Sebastian? One way spending time with you is educational: I'm getting much better at channeling anger."
"You keep trying to make me laugh," Sebastian shot back, but looked amused nonetheless, glancing into the teapot with mock sorrow. "But I'm glad I'm at least somewhat conducive to your spiritual growth," he added.
Auker, in the meantime, was boiling. "That... why didn't he tell me?!"
Kord, knowing full well how women could blow up, looked even more cautious. "Uhm, sister... it's his job?"
Sebastian looked up, lightning fast, and stared at Auker. Much to his and Kord's relief, the woman frowned. "Oh. That's right."
Sylvie's smile faded. "I'm sorry, Auker."
For a moment the living bomb just ground her teeth together. "What? You're sorry? You don't need to be," Auker said calmly, seating herself properly. "He's the one who's going to be sorry."
"Oh Ladies..."
"He won't be a help anymore if he gets his head ripped off," Sylvie said, matching Auker's tone.
"Well, that's true," Auker said, eyes still bloodshot. She still seemed a little out of it, especially with the news she'd just received. "I'm damned well going to get something out of him for this, though." Sebastian and Kord both diplomatically stared at the ceiling as Auker continued. "Explaining to do," the priestess muttered.
As a distraction for herself, so she wouldn't egg on Auker further, Sylvie made sure everyone had tea, and refilled the kettle to make more, or in case Auker wanted coffee.
After that break, which hopefully let Auker calm a bit, she said, "Well, back to ground. I'm a bit at a loss here. Sebastian, how do you think this might play out?"
The half-elf smiled and looked like he wanted to do a bit more than that when given his cup of tea, something Kord for one didn't miss. Auker accepted mere tea, but grumbled. "Many ways. He might use our resources to his end, if he's ambitious. If he's the altruistic sort and fears Au--"
"He better ought to!"
"Yes, thank you, sister. Then he'll work shady, I think. I don't really know. All I know is, it's a good thing as far as fucking up the Sabas goes," he said calmly, but looked a little morose.
Sylvie sat down again and looked at him, raising her eyebrows. "And that is bad because...?"