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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 13:38

"Hardly a surprise that." He turned to look at Sebastian. "Is it, Kai?"

Said half-elf put on a faint smile that managed to be both sheepish and affirmative. He still didn't dare to move; a mage in his own house...

Satisfied, Montmore turned to regard Sylvie again. "I should apologise for not poking you more thoroughly, myself. It took a while for the pieces of the puzzle to fall in place, if you'll excuse the horrible cliché, but I'm afraid your friend here piqued my interest. Not often a man sees something from... where, exactly? That I do wonder about. And then this sudden interest of Auker's and yours in weather patterns, hm. Hah! Stop me if I gloat. I'm enjoying this!"

Evidently, Sebastian agreed with that assessment at least.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 13:47

Sylvie grinned at him. Just like Gemma taking care of protection of Old Ivy, it was good to see the world at large working.

"The artifact Sebastian asked about had been made by Langoll. He had later scaled up and created three big and powerful enough to have caused the recent weather."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 13:51

It was at this point that the mage hmm'd and walked to the several crystal picthers and glasses, poured himself something (Sebastian deduced from the smell that it was something akin to port) and sipped. "Sit down, the both of you. Well, that would certainly make sense," the mage said as he came back to them. Sebastian, at least, sat down and felt a little more relaxed. Not very. It was difficult to defend oneself whilst sitting down. "So, a triangular formation I would surmise? My, not a bad idea. Economical, for certain, perhaps just as efficient as an entire circle or hexagon. Every tip causing ripples. Sounds like Langoll, at the very least."

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 14:04

Sylvie only started to pick up how nervous Sebastian was when he sat down next to her, but she remained focused on Montmore. "Yes, they were spread out over the city. Not entirely evenly, I guess there was a limit to which locations could be rented." She bit her lip for a second. "They felt very powerful to me, though I have no basis to judge local work. The only artifacts I had a closer look at were Langoll's."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 14:22

"I see. That would make sense in a way, too. Still, I'll suspect you'll find he calculated for maximum effect. That portly chap was always a perfectionist," Montmore said at length, seating himself down in an armchair that faced the couch. "You want something, don't you?" he asked and half-emptied his glass of port.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 14:28

"Yes." Sylvie took a deep breath. "The purpose of that project was to ruin the harvest. Langoll had been working for or with the Saba family, who wanted to raise grain prices and thus their profits. We have brought proof of that to concerned clergies, for them to take before the council, or a judge, whoever is appropriate. We were hoping you would be willing to examine the artifact, confirm to the authorities that they can do what we claim... and maybe destroy them safely."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 14:34

That called for another sip of port. And another. Finally, Montmore leaned forward, glass still in hand, staring at the both of them -- before settling his stare on Sebastian. The half-elf met the stare and appeared outwardly calm aside from a hint of paleness on an already pale face. Making the wine twirl inside his glass, Montmore made a thoughtful sound and said, leaning back: "Well, I nearly think I should do so. Your friend seems to be in a hurry, anyway."

A piercing stare at Sebastian later, Montmore said: "I can't blame him, and he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk. Who is he?" By the way the question was posed, he had at least some suspicions.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 14:41

"Would you mind telling me your best guess? I'm very curious what our efforts looked like from the outside."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 17:45

This didn't sound too good as far as Sebastian was concerned, and he was about to speak his mind -- but it was too late. Montmore was speaking already: "He's a factor, a force, an agent -- I can't be too sure which they call it these days, but I perceive he's shady enough to look like a summoned demon for as far a citizen or peasant on the street might be concerned."

"Oh for the love of the Ladies," Sebastian groaned and leaned back, exasperated.

"Also, it seems as though either one of you or someone else figured out the pattern. From the outside, I can't say; I haven't enough proof. I've only heard of shady business, and that's a piece of copper a dozen in this city. So, I'll make no guesses as to that. I'll only say it was effective," Montmore continued cheerfully. "Are you sure you don't want any wine?"

"...yes," said Sebastian.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 18:13

Sylvie looked at Sebastian when he finally made a noise. This probably was not the time to point out that by the definitions she was familiar with, he would be a demon, summoned by his goddesses from another world. She turned back to Montmore. "He is. An agent I mean." With a slight frown she asked, "Would you tell us what you have heard?"

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 18:20

"Good!" Montmore seemed pleased, but not inordinately so. Sebastian didn't, obviously, and was quick to point it out by saying, "I'd want to hear that too. What is it you've found out?"

"Well, let us just say that there have been some... advances toward certain merchants and high society about some nearly philanthropic amounts of grain and goods. Grain, yes, well, that seemed fine. Livestock? Also fine, keeping in order. But building materials? Well, that caught my attention, finally. If you're certain it's the Sabas, they're trying to milk the city out of it with some nasty, greedy folk from Canyet as well."

"...oh Ladies," Sebastian moaned. "I hope the rain ending stopped most of these deals?"

Montmore raised his eyebrows. "Well thought, agent. You're not just muscle after all. Say, who is it you--"

"The damn Lady Luck and the Old Lady. Do I need to get angry? I'm starting to get angry. I really am, and far closer to being rude in someone's house as a guest."

They began a staring contest.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 18:27

Sylvie covered her eyes with a hand. "Please just tell me those other people don't need our attention, too."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 18:33

"I should think not," Montmore said, not breaking eye contact with Sebastian himself; the half-elf turned to look at Sylvie, worried. "But I should think that might be useful. So, I'd rather not guess: how many people are going after the Sabas?"

Sebastian still couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 18:44

"How do you mean 'going after', exactly?"

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 18:48

His glass was empty, but Montmore kept examining it anyway. "Well, two foreigners even if one is an agent of certain creatures --" Sebastian bristled at this point "-- are not going to be able to take down a very wealthy family. You came here to find resources, which suggests that the agent in question is hardly going to make people disappear in a typical, criminal manner. Am I right?"

Sebastian looked blank. Not in that manner, but...

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 18:57

Sylvie did not mind what Sebastians so-called patrons were labelled. "The clergies we presented the proof to were Fortuna's and the Old Lady's, naturally, the Tin Coin, the Gold Coin, and the Jackites. The first three are with us on taking it to the authorities. I'm not entirely sure about the other two. The Jackite we talked to talked kneecaps. But then I suspect he was a rather junior member." She frowned and her eyes glazed over when the idea the Gold Coin could somehow be involved with the shady business Monmore had mentioned occurred.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 19:04

That was exactly what Sebastian was worried about. Extremely so, especially when Montmore deigned to look a little concerned himself. "Well now. That might be a problem, the Gold Coin. Before I continue, I'd like to say that some of my customers and acquaintances happen to be at least nominal members of said cult."


"Oh come now, you know what I mean," Montmore said to Sebastian, wagging a finger. "They're religious only when it suits them. Myself, I ascribe to no faith though I acknowledge deities exist. Perhaps you understand... Sebastian. Or is it something else I sh--"

"Sebastian is fine," said the half-elf, whose heartbeat had risen suddenly. "So you mean to say that the Gold Coin might be in on it?"

"Wouldn't put it past them. Consider that a religion does not encompass only one city."

Sebastian gave Sylvie a look. "Oh shit."

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 19:23

"Quite." Sylvie kept looking in the middle distance. Her voice was quite calm, and she did not move, but she was frozen with tension. "Help me here - how might that go? Worst case scenario, they manage to pin blame for the weather on us, best case, they play at being good citizens, collaborating and pretending they knew nothing?"

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-23 19:35

"I think with so many others knowing about the matter, they might go with the latter," Montmore said, raising an eyebrow. "If so many know about the weather, how would they prove it?"

"I think so too," Sebastian said, eyes narrowed. He was slowly gaining momentum and determination again. "Still, I wouldn't put it past them to screw us over even so. I think we might need to hide sooner than I thought, Sylvie."

"Ah. Good, you're prepared," the mage said, smiling and rubbing his neck. "Very good, and well reasoned, Sebastian. But tell me, why... screw you over, as you said? Perhaps... the past, or just modern business sense dictating?"

"...you know too much, magicker," was all the half-elf said, eyeing Montmore even more warily.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-23 19:39

"Don't make me call you children," Sylvie said, giving Montmore a cool look.

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