Sylvie twitched a little guiltily at his initial reaction. When he was finished she waited for a few moments before making a questioning noise.
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and cleared his throat. "The same I said to Kord. Also a hint of 'hurt her and I'll be cross', to be honest."
"Thank you," she answered, smile turning a little lopsided. Not drawing attention to herself, eh? She kept that and various other comments to herself to give Sebastian time to calm down.
"Sorry. I just had to say it. Stupid idea," Sebastian muttered, glancing at the statue.
"Maybe a little." She sat down, feet on the opposite side of the bench than Sebastian's, which gave her a better view of his face.
Louder and less amused she said, "Mind, what also seems like a stupid idea would be not accepting your resignation. There must be some point at which you're so fed up with things that no amount of experience can make up for it, and a newer but more willing agent would do a better job."
"I'm known for stupid ideas," he continued at length, then chuckled. "Also, mind -- you're right. I've been at this for so long I can't even perform basic logic on my own. I just want out of it, you know, and... it wouldn't help to have someone to spend time with. Whoever that agent is, though, I'll extend my sympathies." Pause. "I'm only afraid that I might know one of the possible ones."
"Scared for them or scared of them?"
Sylvie sighed and chuckled. "Maybe we shouldn't borrow trouble too far ahead. How is your head now?"
"With your loving administrations, much better. I'd drag you off to Auker's office and lock the door if I thought it were permissible. Under the circumstances," said Sebastian. No shortage of flirt there, least of all in his eyes.
"Mhm." Sme smiled, eyes sparking. "A tad awkward when you're expecting guests." Among other things.
After another quick look around - no, no-one had walked in while they'd been talking - she leaned over and pulled him close for a kiss.
Judging by the growl he gave out during the kiss, he was a bit annoyed at the prospect of guests. He sank deeper into the gesture and, finally coming up for air, said: "I can't keep my hands off you, can I. Damn me, damn you. I'll make this up to you with interest. Kill me if I won't."
Sylvie chuckled and shook her head. She was trying to put in words that it wasn't him who started this, when behind her someone cleared their throat. Eyes going wide but still fighting a grin, she watched Sebastian's face rather than turn round.
He did considered the voice of the third person and grinned. "Yes, Riya?"
"...well, the... posh guy showed up."
"Why is it every time I feel loved something like this happens," Sebastian muttered just barely audibly to Sylvie.
"Sorry?" asked Riya.
"Never mind."
Sylvie gave a little snarl. She turned just far enough she could glare at the statue out of the corner of her eye, in the process letting go of Sebastian.
After a deep breath she said loud enough for Riya, "We'll be there in a minute."
"Yeah, a minute. I can tell," Riya said, not without a bit of irony, but she still closed the door before she began to giggle.
Sebastian on the other hand, decided to chuckle into her ear, biting it. "I'm not that quick, I'm afraid," he crooned.
"Mhmmm," she made, trying hard not to laugh. She leaned back and looked rather pointedly at the main entrance.
"So that's why you prefer locked doors?"
"Well, I've always had an easy time getting through those as well. Just don't ask me about chastity belts." For some reason, he felt as though Fortuna's statue was staring at him -- even with the blindfold on.
Her look turned taken aback along with the amusement. "All right, I won't."
She tried to put a little distance between them. Not that she wanted to...
...or him. "Good. But, now, work beckons," he said, not quite managing to resist one last peck on her nose. Even so, he cleared his throat, grabbed her hand and led her toward the kitchen again. "Naughty," Sebastian chuckled before clearing his throat and more or less barging into the kitchen.
There they were. Robare stared them both, wide-eyed, Auker and Jon tried to contain the amusement of something they had in common, Mael and the Old Lady's folk hung back a bit father and... a thin man in expense clothes sat next to Jon, looking very, very upset at where he was. Jon, after all, stank rank. Especially now that Auker had found more drinks to serve.
Riya looked pained, especially because of the way the Old Lady's people smelled. It was a bit familiar, and enough to look apologetically at the two entering.
"Well, hello," Sebastian said, not even trying to rely on his act. He stared at the Gold Coin's man. "Three of you in this room don't know why we're all here, but let's say all three of you will be incensed."
Robare looked a little nervous. "Uh, Fox...?"
"Fox?" said the thin man.
"Later," Sebastian said and grinned sharply, predatory, almost. "There's things to talk about. Explain, even."