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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 08:22

Mael, food full of bread, blinked and then sat in attention. While Sebastian glanced at him, the boy had managed to swallow. For a moment the boy looked a little out of his depth, but then he put on a brave face. "Well, can do..." he looked at his mother for another opinion whilst Riya pursed her lips.

While that was being sorted out, Sebastian glanced at Sylvie with a look of respect. And a bit more of something else, which Mael might have noticed.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 08:33

Gemma could not imagine that clergy to be crooked or a danger to Mael. "First you finish breakfast."

Sylvie smiled with satisfaction. If they had been alone she would have rubbed it in a bit - see, sometimes just talking to people is help - but not in front of other people.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 08:39

A little smile twitched on Sebastian's face, perhaps suggesting he might have understood the smile's meaning. In the meantime, Mael nodded and began to stuff his face at an alarming pace. "Easy," Sebastian said, looking at both Gemma and Garren. "I'll need paper. They're a reticient bunch, and a letter signed by both myself and Sylvie ought to make them a bit less grumpy." He looked at Mael, dutifully eating at a slower pace. "Listen, the big guy is called Kord. He's in charge. He's a bit gruff, but he's all right." Again, he looked at Sylvie -- this time for confirmation while he thought of what Riya could do to help.

This was utterly new territory for him, but somehow, it felt good. In the background somewhere, he thought he heard tinkling laughter.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 08:57

Sylvie nodded, but her brows drew down a little as she looked at Sebastian. "He wasn't very happy with you. I wonder if including 'I'm sorry, I've been an idiot' would help his mood." Yes, among other things it was teasing. Would it still be manipulation if it was heartfelt?

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 09:05

"Well, he was unhappy with me the moment he set his eyes on me, and I did have to tell him I had no idea what was going on until he relented a bit," he shrugged, not looking too bothered about the teasing. "He'll listen to me and take my word for it, but alas, he'll never like me. Woe betide." Judging by his look, he wasn't all that hot and bothered.

Riya, in the meantime, went off with a bit of bread between her teeth to look for paper and ink. At least she didn't mutter as she chewed and walked.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 09:54

Sylvie looked from him to Mael and back. She had been thinking of how Kord's mood would affect Mael, more than what Sebastian cared, but, oh well.

What Gemma could imagine was Sebastian having tricked Kord, and made up the story how Kord tracked him down.

Garren said, "I'd by lying if I claimed I weren't curious about how this all pans out."

After a grudgingly amused snort, Gemma said, "However it pans out, that'll be one to tell the grandkids."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 09:57

It was Gemma's comment that had Sebastian blinking a lot. He actually looked embarrassed, but then cleared his throat again and finished his tea. "You're not alone concerning curiosity. I still don't know."

Mael, on the other hand, looked a bit dubious, so Sebastian thought it best to say something -- but was interrupted by Riya arriving with ink and paper. "All right, thanks," Sebastian sighed, glancing at Sylvie. "Anything you want to write to them, too?"

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 10:08

Considering that put a bit of a damper on Sylvie's mood. "I'd like to apologise for leaving without a word..." She wasn't sure that was the right time and channel.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 10:29

"I think they'd prefer it face to face. You'll see them soon?" Sebastian suggested.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 10:43

Sylvie nodded and moved on. "Riya, are you coming, too?"

Gemma looked up, surprised at the idea.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 11:05

So did Riya, mouth agape. "Uh, me?"

Sebastian on the other hand didn't look all that surprised. "Well, you seem to have a lot of contacts."

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 11:42

Sylvie smiled at her. "Word about this affair will get out. It's impossible to control rumour once it's started, but having a version that is not mangled at the start would be good."

Gemma started muttering, "Of all the crazy...".

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 11:49

Riya suddenly looked starstruck, full of ideas and ambition. Sebastian was a bit worried, but kept it to himself. "That's true, and since you seem to revel in rumours, well." He shrugged, finishing his letter and blowing on the still moist writing.

Mael didn't quite burp, but he looked ready and excited. It worried Sebastian.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 11:58

"We need to be very careful there," Garren said, looking at the children, more skeptical than he had been all morning. "We really can't risk accusations of libel."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 13:13

Sebastian, who could not remember the last time he'd actually been in contact with libel, blinked. "Well, you're right, Garren. That's one more risk, but enough evidence to support accusations is enough. Nevertheless, care is king."

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 13:40

"Making sure there is enough evidence is what the planned meeting is about," Sylvie added.

Garren nodded, slowly, and Gemma gave up. It was out of her hands for now. Firmly, but suddenly sounding more tired than gruff, she said, "Do you understand that, Mael? Absolutely no saying a single word about this to anyone yet."

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-07 14:55

Sebastian nodded solemnly, somewhat weirded out that they were even talking like this, the lot of them. Without another word, he looked at Mael, who -- in spite of being related to Riya -- nodded.

Mael said: "I'm not like sis. I keep my mouth shut, ma'am," he said to his mother.

It was enough to make Sebastian blink. He couldn't remember when someone had said so to their mother. Still, it made him smile. At least Gemma wasn't out for his blood with a carving knife. Yet.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-07 17:05

It was reserved for special occasions, and helped reassure Gemma that he was serious. "And take care." She smiled at him for a moment before getting up. "Sylvie, give me a hand with the laundry?"

After quickly draining the rest of her second cup of tea, Sylvie followed. Gemma had said she wanted to talk to her without Sebastian...

In the washroom, Gemma had Sylvie help folding sheets, and and started, "You really believe him don't you?" She sounded worried and tired.

"Yes. I've seen a lot of what he talked about. It's real."

"You really believe he's some sort of legendary figure?"

Sylvie shrugged. "Kord and Auker do. I don't care. I hadn't heard any of those legends when I met him. The only one I've heard by now was more of a fable."

"It seems preposterous."

"Stories with a true core must happen to someone, don't they?" A chill ran down her spine as the thought occurred to her that the word Riya would be spreading would talk about Sebastian and her, too A problem for later. Sighing, Sylvie tried to come up with some argument in favour for Sebastian's status. "Kord said the Old Lady told him to find the Eldest. I heard that from Kord, not Sebastian. And as to Fortuna, I'm not sure how Auker knew about his identity, but there are those coincidences. That last game in the gambling hall he won with a pair of twos, like Smiling Jack." She swallowed a scratch in her throat.

"So he's a card-sharp, too."

"I shuffled and dealt that hand, and I didn't manipulate it." She held Gemma's gaze, feeling the woman's mistrust hollow her out. "And that was far from the only weird coincidence. I talked to Kirrya and got the story of her link with Langoll."

"For how long have you known him?"

"I've met him three times before coming into this area, in passing. I met him by chance by the small river near Garya Cross when I was on my way back here."

"And you trust him."

"By and large, yes."

"Why are you so sure it's not all a trick? He might be manipulating and using you."

"It doesn't line up with what I have seen. And I can't imagine a single reason why he'd pretend like that." She could come up with two immediately, but did not want to believe he was setting her up to drop her for the fun of it, or for revenge.

"He is good at it, though."

"Yes." Sylvie lowered her head for a moment and took a deep breath. "Mixing lies and truth. Being different is difficult. That wasn't a lie. I'm very grateful for your hospitality." Her voice broke a little.

"And as thanks you endager us. It's all right for you two, you have nothing to lose and can just run away."

As if that were a good thing. Gemma's disappointment was worse than pure anger would have been. "I'm sorry. Lying to you felt wrong all along," and am I not a right hypocrite? Sylvie cleared her throat. "Besides, this is your city. It's your business more than ours."

"Not if a goddess actually charged him with it."

"I wouldn't trust the judgement of a goddess above that of normal people."

After a long pause, Gemma said, "You're stranger than I thought."

Sylvie gave her a slow shrug, really not wanting to argue that point in detail. Instead she checked on Sebastian's and her own clothes. Someone, probably Gemma, had hung them up near the stove. They still smelled, up close, but apart from some slightly damp spots on the insides of the jackets they were dry. "Thanks for everything."

Without giving an answer Gemma left the room.

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WyldsongTwine: Wyldsong 2012-04-08 06:21

Sebastian, in the meantime, had given the letter to Mael with clear (and, as it turned out, unneeded) directions to the Old Lady's. The letter he had, on a whim, signed with Foxglove. It was as much precaution as an identifier that nobody who didn't know their myths and legends would not understand, even though Sebastian still didn't enjoy being likened to a plant that could either help or harm with the heart. In fact, currently it made him wont to turn grumpy.

Then he leaned back in his chair, hands crossed in his lap and food still utterly untouched. Something in the roof had drawn his stare and kept him so occupied that scarcely even listened to Riya, Mael and Garren talk, nor did he notice Gemma returning -- nor Sylvie entering. He appeared, effectively, to be sleeping with his eyes open, aside from the occasional blink.

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AnkeTwine: Anke 2012-04-08 06:38

Sylvie's mood was naturally more subdued after that talk than it had been when they all had been planning, but she had taken a few moments to calm down, meanwhile changing into her trousers.

Back in the kitchen she stood by the door, watching the others for a few moments, before walking up behind Sebastian and snapping her fingers in front of his eyes.

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