What was this Great War thingie about, again, apart from... well, a great war? :p I remember I wasn't wanting to take part. But now I don't remember why anymore.
(Thank gods this bloody board doesn't recognize all smilies.)
Actually, none of us post-Procreation kiddies aren't too sure, I think. Includes me - I know I only got sucked into it, and now I want to see this live.
Hrr. No, but there was a reason I didn't like it at first, I want to remember what the reason was so I can see if I still agree with myself. :p
From what Mutt and I talked about, it seems to revolve around the idea of everyone's brainworlds merging together or bumping shoulders. Insert plot points. Insert drama. Insert se--DAMMIT LANCE, NO.
Anyway, it appears to just be a large-scale story based around conflict of worlds/realms/universes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Ahh. Then that would be it, I think. Not particularly fond of cross-worlding. Not at all. But you have fun with this.
As most of the original players apart from me and Sweets are all gone poofies, it's a redo-from-start job anyway. The whole think's being rethunk, which means anything we did before any of us joined no longer applies anyway, which means we're all on the same page.
Right now all we have is the idea of pathways opening up between worlds. They happen spontaneously, as far as anyone can work out. And they turn out to be cyclical, which means unsuspecting explorers can get trapped in other worlds waiting maybe six months for the pathway to re-open. (Of course, that time period is different from world to world!)
The conflict arises from the fact that these aren't stable, mature, utopian societies. At all. The scholars and mages and scientists are delighted to so some offworld study, of course, but a lot of other people aren't. Rulers suddenly losing a lot of practical power, governments feeling threatened by the influx of new ideas... and a whole bunch of militant nations who're not averse to a bit of slash-and-conquer (and NOT in the way Lance is hoping).
Depending how many existing worlds want to join in, we may need to come up with some new big playaz, which could be shared.
And oh yes, did I mention we're woefully light on bigoted, imperial antagonists? Well, we're light on everything, really.
Pro's history is still online, with every possible post postulating, in excruciating detail, the Great War. Go read it before you decide not to play -- rejecting the concept based on one paragraph seems a bit judgemental.
I'd mention more, but it would come out very cranky and accusatory. *shuts up*
Dah. No, I had already made up my mind before this, after getting to know what it's about. I never did like the feel of it, and I don't think I could really show enough interest in a war-related project in any case. I don't swing that way. It's not just that one thing that makes me not want to play it.
When I made up my mind I knew what it was about and made a decision based on a lot of stuff. Now I just wanted a reminder, since I'm ditzy and I forget stuff. :p
Admittedly, that's not all of it. I did (do?) have some issues with this that are not related to the concept, story or boards at all. I'd rather not get into that here and now. Right now, I don't want to get involved. I might change my mind, but I doubt it. *Shrug.*
Fair enough. *nods*
Eh, nobody has to, and it doesn't make you any less a Pro member.
Hrm. Large-scale story, yes - or more accurately, a big series of stories in one overarcing framework (hence Great War Arc). There will probably be solo and maybe co-op shorts based on it too. It aims to be a big, BIG project - world development, politics, and lots of character-level drama.
That's why it's important to realise that it's okay if you don't want to go into the planetary-scale side, and just do some of the human-scale stories.
God-type beings too, right? The ones who play the elaborate game of chess that decides the fate of the world!
I had a few of those pencilled in... *eg*
Sv: The fate of which world, did you say? *eg*
Vileshadows says: I know the fate of mine.
Sweetfires disagrees.
Carnil replies that god-type beings aren't allowed to play for the fate of his world because the Moonrock will be most annoyed, and so will his fathers, and possibly his sister and cousin, too. The Moonrock's earth-orb mother wouldn't care though. She's vapid like that.
Some worlds and powers which may be involved:
Shade (Mutt) Suitov's faction, involving major collection of 'greenskin' races and miscellaneous other.
Fuzzworld (Mutt) Fuzzworld: Fuzzies's first (only?) world-contact is with Shade. Fuzz will want to remain largely neutral and uninvolved, though a bunch of them want to go exploring other worlds. Only some join up with Suitov's faction.
unnamed (Shared?) Aggressive, colonising sort-of Chaotic Good empire/faction (probably from shared world). I can see these being the main opponents (or one main opponent) of Shade's lot.
Add more as necessary! Whether shared or owned by a single writer (or pair of writers, etc) or just an "I had this idea, someone else want to develop/help develop it?"
I don't have a name for my world. o_O Am I in trouble?
Nope. Mine only have distinctive names because it's what offworlders called them.
(To Shade's inhabitants it's always been just 'the world', until some weird critters showed up and admitted that they refer to it as "Shade-of-a-grove-of-trees".
In the fuzzies' case, once they encountered the idea of other worlds, they named their own. Otherwise someone else would only have done it for them, and done it wrong.)
Call it Lansueld or something? *ducks*
Ooh, Lansueld. Pretty.
I am Ree of Sodak: take me to your bleeder! Um,no. *g*
Er. Jaina, Pasht and Mai are from Terra (or Sol III if you name by the star system). Hirax can't play; his world's eccentricities prevent most magic from working and hinder the remainder. Portals are particularly difficult there.
Meh. I feel twitty for not having a world now. I am a n00b RPer to have no constructed tongues or worlds.
Or I'm a godmoder and awkward bastard for having a bunch of ripoff planets and silly-sounding languages. XD
I also have Pearl and 'Hairball', but they aren't involved in the pre-War contacts. Dawnsgate and Pearl are a separate universe, as is 'Hairball'. I have an alternative-Earth too, but it's just a silent partner in the connection between my Hades and Shade, and not involved in the War either. And there's Summer's world, which might be involved. I dunno. I have too many playgrounds. 0,o
Likewise, I lack a plant/world that I'd be willing to toss in. Ivoryverse is hard to work in because of the things I figured out recently. (Yggdrasil[l] and the nine worlds.)
Mruu. And I'm quite sure I won't get Sebbie involved. Serpieworld should be figured out, though...