Meets and schedules

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2008-02-29 16:05

Great War worldbuildy people (and anyone else who wants to shoot the breeze, naturally):

Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah sometime this weekend if we can. Gimme a time and I'll try. Afternoon/evenings UK time are probably best. (0:00-08:00 UK time/1:00-09:00 CET/12:00-20:00 NZST is probably out, although maybe the morning is negotiable.)

IRC because that works best for Ves. and #proelium, or we can start whatever other chatroom if it's too silly to keep using the old group name.

And V, I haven't forgotten to reply to your latest email. :)

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VespersTwine: Vespers 2008-02-29 22:33

If we could get one going at late morning-early afternoon your time (depending how late I stay up) that'd be best, I think. Evenings your time is early morning my time and that's just not gonna happen. heh.

I keep #proelium on autojoin now, so we may as well use that.

And you damn well better not have forgotten :P

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