As I do some tentative planning for my own stuff, I find myself needing to make broad, generalised guesses about how the Worlds War finishes (or, more specifically, the knock-on effects for the planets involved).
How I see it so far... (subject to many whims and changes!)
Shade comes off without too much irreversible damage to the terrain and whatnot. No major extinctions/near-total genocides suffered, though lots of death. I don't know about the peace settlements in general or what all the sides would end up agreeing on, but I don't think (significant areas of) Shade end/s up occupied long-term by another power. Exchanges of research teams is a guarantee once things calm down. Quite a few refugees from minor planets end up here.
Fuzzworld is resource poor and has deadly terrain (jungle backwater!) - doesn't get heavily invaded, doesn't get majorly involved (except on individual basis, eg a few inhabitants join various sides).
Offwhite City comes off well, after their tactic of playing self-appointed mediator and not making any overt plays until late in the game almost entirely works.
Got a few unnamed minor worlds/ideas for worlds, too, about which I haven't decided anything.