Sleepy Sonnet

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2006-07-24 15:47

Ensconced within a gnaw-made nest of straw
A year's best part in torpid slumber spent
As small a ball of dream-curled ear and paw
As e'er a rustle to a cornfield lent;
Just as the dormouse, cosy and content
To miss the parties proffered while he napped
Will squall and windy buffet circumvent
Pipecleaner tail 'round whiskered bonce bewrapped,
So does my lust lie dormant and unflapped
By lovely laugh or sly reveal of thigh;
My breath is not by writhing hips entrapped;
No perfect breasts arrest my beady eye.
Until my frozen innocence should melt
I hibernating lie, so much unfelt.

© Herm Baskerville, 2006

Spenserian sonnets have the rhyme scheme abab bcbc cdcd ee. I'm not altogether sure it's a scheme I like, but it was certainly more of a challenge to fit.

Spent an hour or two on this last night. (That's to say, I sat down around ten pm with a tickle in the back of my brain and when I came to, it was sometime after 11.)

I was going for "cute" in the first part. I hope it worked.

(Links for Mutt's historical interest: one and two)

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