Tarot-thingy cards! Pocket gods! Gotta catch 'em all!!
Lord Jextus the Fox
Queen Cicely the Catty Weaver
(For/from the Kit-Fox board. They are a pair of gods who're believed to incarnate every so often. Their first avatars were a great general and a moody queen, respectively. Their second and current avatars are believed to be a rogueish swashbuckler and a sharp monk.)
I was aiming for a tarot/engraving style. Cheap woodcutting, not many colours. So some of the badness is intentional. :D
Pretty Cicely! Pretty!
Jextus would need a really wide grin, but that would defeat the purpose, now, wouldn't it?
Ah, but it's bad luck to depict a god's face. That apparently even extends to ears, from the fuss that was kicked up while I was plotting the Cicely one.
Mrehehe. Purrfect?
Mania to a zzazzazzBISHYKITTY;{"@£$"£$%RWQ [6kb].
Weft drawn as a character from Pucca Funny Love (a webtoon series Julia likes), in its style mixed with a bit of South Park.
I accidentally deleted Julia's reply to this message, but she said "Geft/Waru looks kjoot!"
Love note [7.9kb] (This is a reference to the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, so not just Weft entertaining violent thoughts.)
Rough Weft Eye Guide
< 20KB
For Anke who rightly points out that Weft's Twine entry was vague on the physical scrips.
Obviously eye shapes change from second to second, but imagine these are all the same "neutral" expression.
In looking for cat references (eventually I blinked and realised that there was a willing model on Mum's bed, and bribed him with biscuits instead: thanks Pipie!) I found this lovely thing that I wish I'd drawn. *eg*
Better Weft eye guide (800x600, 94K). Disregard the last one, it sucks ass.
Attempts at Weft, NOT final!
The shading on the right is an attempt to show how much his face narrows from the back to the front (a lot: the skull is wide but tapers. I can't describe it).
Another attempt at Weft, STILL not final! Closer though.
If he looks handsome/human, you ain't drawn his face wide and big-eyed enough.
Weft profile on red (800x600, 60KB), companion piece to Suitov's.
I think this skull shape is about right. Skull shape reference