Happy Couple [24.5KB GIF, tablet+ Photoshop Elem]
Snog will tell you how accurate a representation this is.
I'm still plotting to introduce the happy couple to my auntie's ginger cat, Otto. He has a hole in his head where his brain fell out and, according to my auntie, is a little chatter-box.
They also should meet Henry, Liv's cat, who is so sweeeeeeeet! Aawww!
"Giggolo", aka "Acrobattic cattic"
File size: 66.8 Kb
640 x 480 px
Tablet/PSE as usual
This idea insinuated itself into my head while I was talking with Julia. It was going to be a quick sketch to spring on her immediately, but then it wanted to be coloured.
addendum: Feel free to use this on your desktop. It works if you centre the image and set the background to the colour R173;G190;B171.
No, I don't like greyish greens at all. *looks around* Why ask?
Ah, pity my poor old clapped-out and blurry CRT monitor, on which I swear this picture looked perfect with no missing pixels. *fixes and reuploads* Time for a new screen... methinks 17" TFT, if I can find one with better colour than my mother's.
"Rock Tortoise Golem Pet"
340 x 481 px
15.9 Kb
This sits on my desk. It's actually much cuter in the flesh. Er, stone.
(Very quick tablet sketch.)
This is now on our fridge at my mother's insistence (quick small tablet doodle)
Couple of minutes' worth of doodle (21Kb and 705x436 px, the most hideous abuse of the Golden Ratio ever)