Easter card wot I made.
I think dad liked it.
...is pleased.
Aha! Finished! Or as much as it'll ever be. *blush*
For MommyRina [tablet/Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 (painted from photo), 52kb]
Happy beeelated boiffday too youuuuuse...
Happy boiffday dear Mommay
Hippo boiffday to youuuuuse...
For Zenbie.
39.2 Kb
580 x 480
If it's too dark to see, let me know and I'll tweak it - it looks light on my monitor, crap on this one.
"Crouching Bowman, Bearded Dragon"
65.3 Kb
640 x 480 px
Wacom tablet, Photoshop Elements
Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to make a bearded dragon shape look flattering? There are actually fewer reference images out there for bearded dragon anthros than for squamous podoctyes. *hyperventilates*
This took from 10:20ish 'til 13:30ish. My Juliaspirational playlist during this time consisted of a lot of Garbage, plus Sonata and Dragonforce. Go baby go go!
(Jules - if you want a version without the text, that's easily done.)
*gushes* GASP!!!!
I love what you've done with Bowman's nucleus! And the bearded dragon's face is just incredible. And the effects on the cytoplasm are really effective. Oh my word, I love it!
*bounces* Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
Whee! *pleased* I hope I got you both sort of right.
Beardyweirdie! *runs away*
Bowman scares me more now!
For Devvykins (46Kb, tablet + PSE 2.0)
And a thing I gave Simeywimey (85Kb, tablet + PSE 2.0)
No, it isn't anyone in particular. Yes, it's blue. And no, it looks like marker pen strokes but it's entirely CG.
"What do they? And why?"
560 x 420 px
59 Kb
You don't have to have watched that BBC sketch show with David Walliams and Matt Lucas to view this picture. You might find this helpful in understanding the injoke, though.
I must apologise to Julia for turning her boy into a furry.
About gravitational continuity: There was no way I could add one of those without covering up the fluff on Slen's arm, and that's actually the part I'm happiest with, so imagine the guitar is zero-G.
Save yourself time! Read the disclaimer BEFORE mailing death threats!
Erin's Birthday Present
64.7 Kb
360 x 645 px
Tablet/Photoshop Elements
For Erin's birthday on 18th Sept 2005. Drawn, as you can see, a little while in advance. (This is a shrunk, compressed version. Erin got the full beastie, and the lovely Jess printed it out and laminated it as well.)
Background is Japanese style, or my best emulation thereof. That would be real Japanese art, not manga comics. *winkduckteleportouthurriedly*
I Skink I'm Paranoid
500x350 px
40.1 Kb
...the Spotty Dress(tm). From a frame from the Garbage music video.
That there's a bearded lizard, not a skink. I know, I know.
*wants a better monitor nownownow, dammit!*
...There are no words.
*cries* I love you, Mutt!
Untitled piccy for Richard
500x400 px
A random gifty I drew for a friend just because he sounded down in the dumps. (He has an oriental cat and is learning violin, and the little labels represent bands he likes.)
It was a quick sketchy, so that's why it's skritchy in places. I kept fixing a few pixels and reuploading; could have continued that all day, so I made myself stop.
Tablet and the slightly broken copy of Photoshop Elements on mum's computer. Its "compress for web" function is bugged out.
You may also be interested to know I'm buying a new computer in bits, and will be getting a kickass 19" TFT monitor, such that I shan't be able to blame my ineptness on my fuzzy ancient 15" CRT any more. Woo!
My favourite Snog just turned into an old fart, so in honour of the occasion, I drew another old fart.
Birthday pressie (420kb! 1135x720 px!)
Bonus material (56kb. 878x670 px!)
I'm prouder than I deserve to be of the background, including the little, er, halloween-egg? (Well, October is hardly Easter...)
I also did shading and attempted some fabric folds. (AND THIS IS PRECISELY WHY I ONLY EVER DRAW ANIMALS.)
(Also, the hands are bothering me so much that I might have to change 'em. Or at least add in the detail I missed that makes his right look so wooden.)
Bad Paint scribble
Mutt: Maybe I should log off, go bother Paul and let you concentrate.
***Anke still hasn't drawn one of her own charas X)
Mutt: Draw! Or I will. *opens Paint*
Anke: Do that. :D
Mutt: Damn, that sneaky human called my bluff. Which charrie?
Anke: take your pick?
Well, honestly, there was only going to be one answer to that.
SwarmCrow (200Kb, 615x592px)
Done for an art exchange on the Jack webcomic fan forum. Wacom, Photoshop, hours and hours, many photoreferences.
Blue/'Japanese' remix (smaller)
For guess whoooo!
Tablet and Photoshop, 4 hours.
I Saw-Whet You Did There 800x550px, ~100KB
A bit over three and a half hours, tablet, Photoshop, several photos.
*hugs Mutt*
Mwahahahahahahaaaaadsfkdjf (86Kb, 400x600px)
(Credits: Sylvie is Anke's. Photoreferences from tons of places, as well as character portraits from Anke's gallery, were plundered for the duration. Also, Dabsoofs are the bestest things eva.)
Snog's birthday pressie, less late than Anke's (I'm getting quicker!)
See, there was a little evil conference between Mutt and Anke earlier this week, which resulted in one artist and one hound both doing something based on the idea of desert foxes.
(Here's Anke's. It's not the same fox, or the same Fochs.)