"Firefox Buccaneer"
48.4 Kb
450x360 px
Tablet, PSE
It's Bede. In a pirate hat.
Ishtar has an important message *Mutt feels slightly dirty for the animeness* [Tablet and Photoshop Elements, 50kb]
File size: 58 Kb
264 x 500 px
Drawn by hand! Hahaha! Some time ago, now stuck together and contrasted and stuff so it's visible. This is a palmclaw.
"Baskerville's Angel: the Apostasy Character"
300 x 400 px
18 Kb
[text reads:] Killer of Children: the most Highborne: Narrowwing Skrie'e
A fallen celestial from the role-playing game 'Angel: the Apostasy'. (Actually this guy's from the video game based on the RPG, because Baskerville has no time for things without flashing lights and true-rendered graphics.)
Skrie'e is pigeon-winged (i.e. mottled grey feathers), wears a typical celestial's birdhead helmet and, as you can see, carries a standard but rather worrying sword. (The jumpsuit comes entirely from Baskerville's twisted imagination.) He's a fairly average tornado berserker, but Skerv likes him.
Incidentally, Killer of Children the most Highborne Narrowwing Skrie'e isn't a twinky name. They're all like that. Lower ranks tend to add name components like jewellery; only the top (i.e. really flippin' scary) celestials are known by just their names-in-wing.
Speaking of wings, all the game manual illustrations are this unconvincing in scale.
('Angel: the Apostasy', 'A:tA' and 'BURPS' are registered trademarks of Black Wolf and Dog of the Toast Company. Pawpad patent pending. All rites reserved.)