from "The Avatars"

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MuttTwine: Mutt 2010-04-18 07:43

The islanders in Kit-Fox have a sacred scripture in the form of a poetic saga telling of Cicely and Jextus and two of their incarnations.

In this excerpt, Queen Palisande (Cicely's avatar), after being dismissed by her husband King Rojrick, delivers her famous "what style of love" soliloquy.

And am I but a bauble for his arm?
A trinket-wife? a trophy on his wall?
Am I his hind, to grace his cavalcade
Doe-like in velvet, two steps to his rear?
It seemed my counsel mattered to him once.
As Palisande the Fair, the warrior-queen,
Fresh from my victory at Hourglass Ford,
Encamped and holding court at Pells; 'twas there
My hand and wisdom fervently he begged
And duly won, so fitting was his suit.
But, for my lord, the chase was all the fun;
For, having both, I fear he values none!
And what of love? I thought he loved me once.
But is it love that keeps its object caged?
I want for naught but live by his command,
Unlistened to; what style of love was this?
Far from the fierce, unfettered love I feel
That yearns to run, to laugh, to shout and sing
Beneath the open heavens. Such a love
Bursts bindings, smashes locks and chews through chains;
No tyrant heeds and no law but its own.
It scorns such walls and parapets of stone
As hold me captive. Only such a love
Could keep my heart, and let me have my head.

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